Power of Several Creative Matches Burning as One Strong Flame

Photo by matthewgriff "And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." Nelson Mandela.  One of the best and most challenging aspects of being in business for yourself is finding and connecting with community. I’m not just talking about people who like your random posts on Facebook or are willing to comment on a blog post once and while. I’m talking about the people who are there -- ready and willing to share advice freely and joyously because … [Read more...]

How to Set 2012 Ablaze with your Awesomeness

Not literally with fireworks, wayward candles or unattended fondue pots, but fan it with the flames of your personal missions and desires. Those sparky little fireworks that ignite when you give them space and room to breathe, taking in oxygen and building flames of creative folly. Instead of spazing over a series of resolutions for 2012 that you will never keep, just create and keep one. Give yourself permission to day dream and think bigger than any self-imposed limitations that have … [Read more...]

Attitude, Creative Mojo and the End of 2011

With just about a month left in 2011, people are all a flurry making holiday plans, buying gifts and finishing up year end projects. It’s the proverbial "time crunch" — busting ass to fit in every possible thing you pledged with your heart and soul to do before year end, but some how fell to the wayside. Creative mojo is replaced with a sense of obligation, and attitudes quickly shift to grouchy, irritated and rushed. Throw in family obligations, year end commitments and the looming thoughts … [Read more...]

The Idea of “Perfect” Blows Giant Holes in Creativity

You engage in creativity all day long, even if you never thought about it that way. Fantastic, fun, creative ideas can show up at any time, thrown in amongst thoughts of errands, irritations and obligations. And as those moments of creative brilliance shine through, do you say WOO HOO! I gotta write this down! Or do you immediately start picking them apart, reviewing all the angles to convince yourself why it will never work, why it’s not perfect? Humans have super powers when it comes to our … [Read more...]

Balancing Human-ness and the Ego in Business

In the last few weeks I’ve noticed the struggle for the expression of the individual identity in my business dealings, meetings and on social media outlets. Or perhaps as I move through my own personal challenges, it’s something more apparent just to me. Whatever the reason, this blog topic was screaming at me to be expressed. Although it’s a bit different than what I normally cover I couldn’t ignore it. Or perhaps, I just wanted to get a better sense of how others feel about it, too. The … [Read more...]

What Moves You?

What truly moves you at your core? This simple question stirs up a range of layers and answers so dynamic, unique and inspiring, it's possibly one of the most loaded questions a person can contemplate. But when you truly feel it in your soul, the experience of it beelines you to the heart of what makes you tick, acting as a window to directly connect you with your creative source. It's an amazing thing to witness in yourself or others, and the end destination is always a surprise. I can … [Read more...]

Life is a Conga Line Not a To-Do List

The holidays are gone and you are once again alone with your thoughts. Are you racing to start a million new projects? Tweeting your heart out? Or have your copious 2011 goals combusted into oblivion already? Maybe you are stalled at the starting gate as your ideas run amok like M&M’s on crack? What ever your reasons (or excuses), I think one very important thing is usually missing in people’s big ol’ life plans -- daily fun. Sure, you can write all about that amazing fantasy trip you … [Read more...]

Are Expectations Killing Your Dreams?

Dreams are everywhere, in successful and failed companies, in happy marriages or crumbling ones, in thriving careers and celebrity rehab. Once upon a time each dream was fresh, bright and had so much promise; little specks of hope, creativity and great ideas all rolled into one. Then expectations begin to creep in, those small, seemingly harmless little seeds including: when, who, where, why and how -- just like the game of Clue. As they show up you find yourself weighing the expectations … [Read more...]

Where is the Color in Your Life?

Where is the Color in Your Life? When people wake up in the morning, often their first thoughts are about tasks or worrying about "what-ifs." How am I going to get through the day today? Is the commute going to suck? Are the kids going to get to school on time? Is my boss going to hassle me again? Am I going to find work today?… among several other arbitrary thoughts. These are universal thoughts most people experience as part of living and belonging to a family and community; its part of … [Read more...]

Release the Old to Inspire Creativity

As we move along in our hurried lives we collect. We collect ideas, habits, people and thought patterns. Then the realization hits us; we are bogged down feeling heavy, stuck or even trapped. The sudden desire to change something in our lives, anything, comes bubbling up in ways we never expected. We search for any way to find just a little breathing room, and that where the tough part comes in… figuring out what to release to regain flexibility and creative inspiration. Its easy to keep … [Read more...]