Balancing Passion With Patience as a Creative Entrepreneur

  Most creative entrepreneurs often have more than one thing we would consider a passion.   Some of those passions feed each other as part of our business, others serve as a way for us to go within and tap into our raw fire and pure joy to rejuvenate. This is how we fuel all of the things on life’s to-do list - energized by the flow to help keep everything moving along.   We also feel comfortable taking creative risks. It’s part of our DNA, in a way. We understand … [Read more...]

Is a Hidden Desire to Conform Keeping your Creative Fire Small?

As much as we want to stand out and be seen as individuals, we also desire to stand together as part of a community; feeling welcomed, supported and accepted (in some shape or form). This sentiment is by no means earth shattering, but here’s the tricky part; sometimes our hidden desire to connect with others really is silently guiding us to conform, keeping our creative fire small. This may lead us to make choices to fit in or try to make future decisions based on what we feel will be accepted … [Read more...]

Attitude, Creative Mojo and the End of 2011

With just about a month left in 2011, people are all a flurry making holiday plans, buying gifts and finishing up year end projects. It’s the proverbial "time crunch" — busting ass to fit in every possible thing you pledged with your heart and soul to do before year end, but some how fell to the wayside. Creative mojo is replaced with a sense of obligation, and attitudes quickly shift to grouchy, irritated and rushed. Throw in family obligations, year end commitments and the looming thoughts … [Read more...]