Anchoring in a Personal Power Theme

Welcome to February, the first month that isn’t the tail end of one year and the beginning of another. Expectations aren’t so overwhelming or obligation-driven, giving you a bit of room to daydream. And while some things are sticking around and others just feel plain ol’sticky, the picture is a bit clearer outside of the holiday haze. That’s why I think February is the best month of the year to create a platform that can help guide the “inner you” as the year rolls forward. One way to do that is … [Read more...]

The Fine Line for an Empath: Taking a Torch to Guilt and Saying Yes to Yourself

Guilt as a word feels heavy to me, even as I say it out loud. It’s dense, chunky and nebulous, like you cannot get your hands around it or find a way to cut it loose. Now imagine if that guilt was not because of your own choices or challenges, but because you feel torn between choosing to support others OR being mindful of your own needs.   That’s how it feels to be an empath — caught between feeling others emotions and deciding how to support them while still honoring … [Read more...]

Trusting the Truth in a Memory

To really be honest with yourself requires digging into the memory banks. Splashing around and poking at things. Looking at what’s yours to own and what can be released into the ethers with confidence, knowing it’s time to let go of emotions or ideas that no longer serve you. But at the same time, our memories also hold what is closest to our hearts; the things that have come to shape us as human beings and propel us on our unique path in life. As heart warming or painful as they can … [Read more...]

So, When Does the REAL You Show Up?

Photo by happykatie I’ve been asking myself this very question a lot lately, not necessarily for personal inquiry as much as to reevaluate relationships in my life that have languished or gone south very suddenly. Sticking with my perspective that everything I experience is a lesson I need to learn,  I’m finally seeing some ways I was not showing up authentically for MYSELF, and that was clearly demonstrated in these broken relationships. And after reflecting on that for a few months, I … [Read more...]

The Bliss of Options and the Power of Choice

Being "stuck" with the perception of limited choices is what makes us feel trapped and uncreative, like trudging through life instead of living in a way feels supportive and like we "going somewhere". But what if having too many choices has the exact same effect? What if several competing options on the table only minimizes the creative impact and traction you want because attentions are scattered and competing with each other? At a time when we all feel like we need to "up" our game to … [Read more...]

True Clarity Within Starts With the Power of Your Words

From the questions you ask yourself, to the tapes running through your head, to the way you speak to others, how you find clarity in your life all starts with the power of the words you choose and the questions you pose outwardly. And yes, as a writer I pay way more attention to words that most people would, for obvious reasons. But if you really stop and think about it, how different would things be if you actually thought about the true impact of your words on yourself and others before you … [Read more...]

There’s the Truth and then There’s the “Truth”

How do you know something is true for you? Do you feel it? Just know it? Experience tingles along your skin or a spring in your step? How about a pang in your gut that’s ooey gooey and eases through your body seamlessly? Sensations can sometimes be more obvious when you are standing at a crossroads or making big life decisions, but you can also feel them fleetingly when something synchronistic happens in your life and reflects your personal truth. But have you ever examined where your truths … [Read more...]

Want to Get Out of your Own Head? Talk Out Loud to Yourself

Talking out loud to yourself is not just for movie scripts, when scary things lurk in the shadows and a blonde, scantily clad woman screeches out — Whoa there? It actually serves as a very useful tool in cutting through a steaming pile of mental goo. Thoughts breed on thoughts, and it's so easy to get wrapped up in your own web full of them. Most often you aren't even sure how they got started, but they quickly run over each other, creating an life-size hairball that requires serious … [Read more...]

Being Healthy Takes More Than Good Food and Sit-ups

Healing is about the journey, like anything else in life. It takes more than vitamins, exercise and eight glasses of water a day to get you there. If you take the drugs, therapies, doctors, alternative health practitioners, healthy eating habits and everything else in between out of the equation, you still have a vast majority of folks who are so out of touch with their own body, they have no idea what it’s trying to tell them. Ever. Your body is the best instrument you have for relieving … [Read more...]

Move Past Judgment and Find Truth

Jumping to conclusions is a human pass time. We all do it, and it’s pretty easy to get there fast. I learned to do it at a very young age, and have spent the last five years reducing that reaction to an occasional slip up. I see so many people around me doing it for sport like there’s no tomorrow. In my younger years I thought it was just how people were supposed to act — it was what I saw everyone else doing. Now I just see right to the heart of what these judgments really reveal — … [Read more...]