5 Ways to Turn the Tables on Creative Indecision

  When you are in a state of creative indecision it can feel like you are being held hostage by yourself. Wiggle too much and the ties get tighter, think too much and the mind gets muddled, feel too much and you are drowned by emotions instead of moving through them.   Breaking free from a state of creative indecision can be simple or complicated, but you aren’t as powerless as you may feel about your “stuckness”. Trying to control how it evolves or effects you is what makes … [Read more...]

Being Healthy Takes More Than Good Food and Sit-ups

Healing is about the journey, like anything else in life. It takes more than vitamins, exercise and eight glasses of water a day to get you there. If you take the drugs, therapies, doctors, alternative health practitioners, healthy eating habits and everything else in between out of the equation, you still have a vast majority of folks who are so out of touch with their own body, they have no idea what it’s trying to tell them. Ever. Your body is the best instrument you have for relieving … [Read more...]