Archives for August 2014

Ways to Keep Creative Faith When your Path Suddenly Changes

  Creative faith is like a superpower that grows stronger with self awareness and trust. The more trust you put into the validity of the impulses effortlessly flowing through you, the more confident and clear you stand in your creative faith.   But what happens when life explodes in unexpected ways ? What do you do when plans derail from the train track you’ve carefully crafted, people unexpectedly leave, or life passions seem impossible due to a sudden change in … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Look Through Old Photos to Stir Imagination

  Looking through old photos is a fast, easy way to take a free trip into your imagination. The emotions rekindled by seeing friends and family or recalling how you felt at the start of a big life adventure release a seed of imagination that’s free to wander again, rekindled and fresh.   There’s something fascinating about seeing a moment in time, soaking up the small details in the background or noticing a look on someone’s face in a new light. The current you sees … [Read more...]

4 Simple Ways to Put your Passion First Every Day

  Living your passion is a feeling that expands beyond the container of words we have to explain it. It’s an inner knowing that’s desired yet sometimes also feared, and it drives you to follow the path it carves until you feel it’s energy flow through you effortlessly.   With something so powerful within us, why aren't we actively expressing our passion every day?   We aren't always sure how to mix it into to a busy life.   There are some things you can … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Watch the Creative Magic of the Sky

It’s easy to keep your head down to power through life’s to-do’s or laser focus on your “end game”, but when was the last time you looked up, taking in the creative magic of the sky?   I have to admit, I don’t take us much time to “look up” as I used to when hours and minutes were a toy rather than a timer. As a kid, watching the clouds and the story they played out was part of a typical summer day, part of experiencing the natural creative magic of the universe as it unfolded in … [Read more...]

Want to Shake your Inner Hunger? Stop Ignoring Creative Guidance

  Creative guidance is a key part of a daily healthy diet, just like food and water. It’s a slow drip that trickles through all five senses as you go about your day, sharing little nudges during a grocery run, gym workout or while scrubbing the last bits of unidentifiable crust from your soup pot.   Even if it doesn't feel like anything earth-shattering is happening, your creative guidance is present, tuned in and flowing along just under the surface. Are you listening, open … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Confess a Creative Fear

  There is power in confession, especially when it comes to releasing the grip of creative fear. The little, niggly “fear rushes” you feel when you are close to the truth can be almost paralyzing, and serve as an invitation to distract yourself from the source of the fear with things that are breezy and light.   The rub? Fear avoidance is fun for a bit, but it also keeps you doing the “running man” in the same spot for ages - while your creative self expression growth gets … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Sharpen your Creative Edge

For a creative edge to stay sharp requires attention. Notice I said attention, not work. The little mindful things you do to stretch your imagination, open your heart and shift how you see yourself connecting in the world are the real sharpening tools, and show you exactly where your creative edge lies. Sharpening it takes mindful action.   To help crack open your defenses and habits to challenge yourself in a meaningful way, rather than max limits through sheer force to expand your … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Review Old Ideas to Spark New Inspiration

Inspiration is a beautiful, mysterious gift. It’s an unpredictable, illuminating and altogether tingly experience that sneaks up on you in interesting ways. While inspiration catches your eye and motivates your heart in the moment, what happens to that insight beyond the moment? Some ideas catch on fire right away and have a mind of their own. Other ideas stall, become frustrating or soon feel sticky or clunky, along with your creative drive. It’s easy to jump to the conclusion that in order … [Read more...]