Creative integrity is a unique blend of what you believe and how you feel when you express that creative truth. It’s both fixed and fluid at the same time, shaped by how you “practice” being yourself. As you build a flowing dynamic between your beliefs and self-expression, you get a clearer sense of what’s natural for you; an inner rhythm that simply allows you to “be” without actively thinking about it. Now let’s toss in life’s biggest plot twist - dun dun … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Call on your Creative Tether to Weather Doubt
When life gets crazy complicated and things seem anything but settled, take a few moments to connect with your inner creative tether. In times of uncertainty and chaos it’s easy to start over-thinking every future move or doubting what you’ve already done. Soon everything seems wrong and you are struggling to remember exactly how you ended up on the path you face ahead. You might also start wandering into “why me?” territory. This is a perfect time to shut … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Get “Meta” to Re-ignite Passion for a Long-Term Goal
When an idea, experience or person sparks your creativity, it can feel like your whole soul lights up from the inside out. The dots start naturally connecting in your mind and heart. The way you see the world feels alive, colorful and open to possibility, and inspiration leads to creative action. As you walk through your personal creative process you find a natural rhythm and you intuitively find your pace. For small, one-and-done projects, it’s easy to hit all of the … [Read more...]
3 Reasons your Creative Boundaries Need a Refresh, Right Now
The creative boundaries you set for yourself serve two key purposes. One is to help focus your energy and self expression and the other is protection from pain and fear. The trick is that while boundaries keep you safe and clear they also box you into a way of creating that’s limiting, repetitive and drains your creative spark. When you feel comfortable there’s no real reason to change how you create. However, over time, the boundaries you’ve established for comfort become creative … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: 4 Ways to Grow your Creative Wealth
Creative wealth is such an interesting resource to play with throughout your life. As a kid you have tons of it. Imagination flows with ease and you go where inspiration takes you. There are no limitations and creative energy is always present. As you grow up, things start to get serious. The creative wealth you generated without even trying starts to feel like work and fear can hold you back from embracing change. You forget you have unique creative gifts and abilities … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Mind your Own Business to Practice True Creative Freedom
An experience of creative freedom is like nothing else in the world. You feel strong, confident and clear as your natural gifts flow with ease, blended with the joy of creating things that speak to your heart and soul. To many, it might sound like I’ve described the “ideal” sensation of creative freedom. So, how often do you experience something similar to it? Most of the time? Once and a while? Only in very specific conditions? Not as much as you would like? Or are there … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Rate the State of your Inner Creative Space
Bringing a creative spark into reality and flowing with your inspiration is so much easier when your inner creative space is healthy. Yet, so many of us carry around old hurts or fears as silent wounds that limit us from taking risks or dreaming big. Just like clutter collects in a physical space, it’s easy to let things like embarrassment, frustration or disappointment collect in the nooks and crannies of your thoughts. When your mind and heart are plugged up by ghosts or … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Tips to Find your Core Creative Motivators
Creative motivators are practices or tools you use to get inspired, focused and in the groove to take action. Within the last 5 years, access to an endless supply of creative motivators has opened up through online resources, classes, teachers and coaches, yet, people still feel disconnected from themselves and what makes them feel creatively fulfilled. Why? There are more resources available than quality time to move through them. Notice I said quality time. You can … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Forgiveness and Creative Choices
Creative choices can carry a lot of emotional weight. Some of them are the pivotal, life-changing choices you remember because they highlight the ways you decided to honor your true self or turn away from what you really wanted to create in order to play it safe, avoid confrontation or out of sheer fear of success. Creative choices are also easy to romanticize; to dig into and exploit the inherent emotional trigger points that allow you to celebrate or judge yourself over and over … [Read more...]