It’s easy to use other people’s “lenses” to assess the value of your talent. We each grow up modeling a set of values shared by friends and family that inadvertently define what having a talent really means and it’s importance in the world. There’s also a societal push to force a talent into something trainable and marketable so that it has some sort of quantifiable worth. All of these influences impact how you see your unique gifts and can overshadow the most … [Read more...]
Tuning into Creative Awakening as a Way of Being
This week my family is visiting from the east coast and I'm taking some time off to reconnect with them, replenish my spirit and continue my own creative awakening. In lieu of writing something of my own, I want to share a part of a post that not only resonated with me but also reflects what I often echo in my blog about creative awakening as a life process, evolution and a way of becoming your true self. I'll be back next Thursday to reconnect with all of … [Read more...]
The Difference Between Setting Deadlines and Forcing Creative Progress
The urge to strive towards creative progress is natural. Chasing a deadline can make you feel alive, like you are doing something worthy by taking control of things so every moment is full of focus and momentum. On the other hand, sitting still and doing nothing can feel like you are wasting time or maybe even giving up, as if the idea or passion in your heart is a fantasy that needs a reality check. And what if that might be true? What if things … [Read more...]
Intuitive Guidance is in the Little Creative Clues
I believe in the power of little creative clues - the small objects, coincidences and connections that serve as external confirmation you are on the right path or far from it. A creative clue can be anything that resonates with you or gets your attention, especially when you aren’t even looking for it. It can come into view when you are doing something you really love as easily as it can come into focus when you are doing something that’s not in alignment with what you … [Read more...]
Is your Creative Vision More Black and White than Color?
Is your creative vision on stand-by? Can you sense a dark outline of what you think you want, but it never quite gets filled in with color, experiences or a clear sense of personal connection? Or does it feel like your creative dreams are always dancing in the background, never center stage? This experience is totally normal and more common than you think. There's a sense of accomplishment you feel when you have a creative vision that guides you, giving you … [Read more...]
The Tricky Loop Between the Past and Your Creative Future
You are not your past, but you’ve shaped a creative future based on it. The things you want to do but never tried, Fears you’ve faced and grown past, Desires that kept tickling your heart and never silenced, The people who made you strong with their support or by a complete lack of it, Dreams that seemed as big as the sky and just as far away... These experiences, feelings and soul cries are all part of what makes your path unlike anyone else's, … [Read more...]
Routines and Why you Can Stop Longing for “the” Creative Zap
Routines and the seemingly elusive creative zap of inspiration you long for do co-exist. Really, they do. Actually noticing the creative zap is about your perspective from within the routine. It’s not about completely changing what you do and who you are, but being willing to look at where your routines are more protective than supportive, more evasive than empowering. Do you understand why you do it "your" way? Look at … [Read more...]
Are you Ignoring the Melody of your Creative Soul?
Your creative soul is always speaking to you. Even when you can’t hear it, don’t want to listen or are too preoccupied with the past or future to pay attention, it’s there, waiting patiently. If you are searching, frustrated or feel lost - it’s still there, strumming a note or two, hoping to find a point of resonance that draws you back to the “true you” underneath everything external. The melody you hear doesn't have to be specific or clear - it’s simply an invitation … [Read more...]
Why I Look for the Creative Potential in Everything
Creative potential is one of my biggest motivators. Seeing the possibilities of what something can be is not only a passion, it’s just how I process the world and connections I make in it. For me, the ultimate act of truly “being” is to create. It’s an active as well as a passive state. You can create a delicious breakfast for yourself or the people you love, expressing yourself through cooking, or you can create a state of inner wellness by simply sitting in peace and … [Read more...]
Dig Under the Creative Surface for Real Treasure
On the creative surface there are truly amazing things to appreciate. Jaw-dropping scenery. Lovely people who inspire you as much as they challenge you. The sensation of the sun on your face, or the first bite of a delicious, ripe tomato from a summer harvest. These simple pleasures invite you to jump in and experience something with the full range of your five senses and really open up to the moment. When it comes to taking the same approach with your inner … [Read more...]