When was the last time you made the effort to tap into your core creative essentials - the things you as a unique human being need to support your creativity, mindset, physical health, attitude and overall well-being? Has it been a couple of months? Years? Never? Maybe reviewing your core creative essentials is “top of mind” right now as you learn to navigate life as an individual, couple, family, creative, or business owner exclusively from home. Or you could feel … [Read more...]
Are you Pushing a Specific Creative Agenda and Ignoring the Insight of the Moment?
It’s nice to have plans and a clear creative agenda. It’s even more awesome when plans work out exactly as envisioned, and all the hard work and effort you invest pays off. Then life happens. It lets you know in no uncertain terms that a key element of the creative process is being in the now - being in the true flow of life and creating in tandem with it. The ability to be flexible and open is a beautiful part of the way we all create because it invites us to explore and … [Read more...]
Blast Through Comfy Habits to Create With Courageous Intention
How are you going to create with courageous intention next year? Is this a bold question to kick off a blog post? Sure is...and it’s also an invitation to break the comfy, restrictive, outdated mold you’ve created up until now by setting safe, practical goals. The energy of 2018 was all about really seeing, sensing, and understanding what felt like a mismatch. It showed you ways you need to grow; maybe even forced you into the fire more than once to get the … [Read more...]
Using Resistance as a Creative Navigation Tool
It’s easy to notice resistance energy. Resistance energy is uncomfortable. Sticky. Unpleasant. Cumbersome. Like you are pushing against the tide and giving it all you’ve got. It can also show up as a sense of not knowing what to do next once creative efforts or “money moves” aren’t catching fire as expected. What’s NOT so easy to notice is a path to understanding and dismantling resistance into its core parts, so you can leverage it as a … [Read more...]
Why It’s Time To Stretch Those Creative Sore Spots
It’s not always easy to stretch creative sore spots for one very simple, but silly, reason. Complacency. Often self-imposed. We get stuck in a routine. There are expectations, excuses, and distractions of all kinds. Other people blindside us with their demands and drama, and we are all too happy to let them because we don’t realize how stuck we feel. After a while, we think of our creativity as something that’s a shadow in the background of our … [Read more...]
Balancing Passion With Patience as a Creative Entrepreneur
Most creative entrepreneurs often have more than one thing we would consider a passion. Some of those passions feed each other as part of our business, others serve as a way for us to go within and tap into our raw fire and pure joy to rejuvenate. This is how we fuel all of the things on life’s to-do list - energized by the flow to help keep everything moving along. We also feel comfortable taking creative risks. It’s part of our DNA, in a way. We understand … [Read more...]
What Would You Create If Time Didn’t Matter?
I don’t know about you, but the element of time definitely plays a role in what I choose to create. It takes time to connect with an idea and it’s possibilities, gather resources and shift into “creative mode”. In addition, creativity requires us to feel like it’s “worth it" to start on a project and consistently follow through until it’s finished, whether it’s for yourself or a client. And there’s also that perfection part of us that can slip in, wondering … [Read more...]