Explore and Define What Keeps You Rooted in the Present and Within Yourself

  What keeps you rooted in the present and within yourself?   Do you have a clear path of consistent self-care, support tools, habits, creative expression? Are you connected with a community that acts as a support system and aligns your basic human needs and well-being? Do you know beyond a doubt that no matter what, you are loved, and things will be OK? If not, the world is providing a really big opportunity for you to explore all of these dynamics starting right … [Read more...]

Time to Trust Your Feelings As A Guide To Clarity and Self Mastery

  This may seem like a cliche, but it really is more important than ever to trust your feelings as a guide to clarity and self mastery.   And I’ll tell you why.   We are all going through loss, fear, growth, challenges, and set-backs in different ways. While the details of our personal experiences are unique, we have an opportunity as a global community to step into this universal slow down and actively reset how we align feelings and actions. This includes any … [Read more...]

Tap Into Your Core Creative Essentials to Thrive in Place

  When was the last time you made the effort to tap into your core creative essentials - the things you as a unique human being need to support your creativity, mindset, physical health, attitude and overall well-being?   Has it been a couple of months? Years? Never?   Maybe reviewing your core creative essentials is “top of mind” right now as you learn to navigate life as an individual, couple, family, creative, or business owner exclusively from home. Or you could feel … [Read more...]

Catching and Transforming Sneaky Habits that Silently Sabotage Creative Progress

Raise your hand if self-doubt, fear, or outdated habits sometimes sneak in to sabotage creative progress in any area of your life. [Pauses to raise hand, and gently returns it to the keyboard.] As entrepreneurs and creatives we all work through various layers of naggy little self-doubt buggers along our self-growth journey. We are trying to put ourselves out there, clarify our voice and vision, and “do all the right things” to build success through our passions. This combination of elements can … [Read more...]

Are you Pushing a Specific Creative Agenda and Ignoring the Insight of the Moment?

  It’s nice to have plans and a clear creative agenda. It’s even more awesome when plans work out exactly as envisioned, and all the hard work and effort you invest pays off.   Then life happens. It lets you know in no uncertain terms that a key element of the creative process is being in the now - being in the true flow of life and creating in tandem with it. The ability to be flexible and open is a beautiful part of the way we all create because it invites us to explore and … [Read more...]

Integrating Gut Feelings With Practical Creative Strategies

  Any artist, creative, or entrepreneur knows gut feelings are one way you connect to the heart of inspiration, yet there's an equally invaluable piece that can get overlooked in the initial inspirational glow - practical creative strategies.   The rush of excitement that comes from an idea that pops into the mind out of nowhere but FEELS SO RIGHT is unlike anything else in the world. It’s serves as clear inner confirmation that you are a talented, creative, powerful creative … [Read more...]

Creating New Order Out of Chaos

  Despite how messy it may feel, creating new order out of chaos offers a powerful opportunity to step up and reset your life in positive ways you could never plan for outright.   Chaos rolls through everyone’s life at some point, no exceptions. The experience of chaos is also different for everyone. It can creep in slowly, like thick fog rising on a chilly fall evening, or pop in suddenly like a thunder clap. And even though you KNOW chaos is a normal part of life, the way it … [Read more...]

Creative Friction Is The Gift You Never Knew You Wanted

  Yes, you are reading this correctly - creative friction is the gift you never knew you wanted.   I could give a speech about how every great writer, artist, and entrepreneur faces challenges or obstacles they need to overcome, but we’ve heard that one a million times. I can also share insights on the hero’s journey and the essential role it holds in making us the fully baked humans we are meant to be, but tons of other folks have already done it.   I want to … [Read more...]

Honoring Creative Opportunities That Almost Were

  Whether we realize it or not, honoring creative opportunities means celebrating what has, or has not, come to pass.   Any creative, artist, or entrepreneur can share a list of creative opportunities that were almost...something. Perhaps they were almost profitable, popular, manageable, effective, successful, noteworthy - notice the trend here? This realization is not new, mind-blowing, or unique. Yet, those same creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs can spend a lot of time … [Read more...]

Mindful Ways to Manage Creative Expectations

  It happens to the best of us when we create - the rise of pesky creative expectations!   When tuned into the passion of the creative process and fully engaged, energy is high and we are immersed in building what we envision. Inspiration is flowing and the creative process is organically emergent and natural.   What we might not realize is that we are also adding a few creative expectations to the mix, unconsciously.   For example, we can create art, a … [Read more...]