Archives for June 2016

Why You Need to Stop Looking for Proof of Your Creative Chops

People always enjoy a good origin story around how we've earned our creative chops. It's a way to connect, compare or anchor in a sense of belonging with each other.   From a different perspective, creative chops act as a barometer and measure of our uniqueness; proof we are special and matter.   Yet, when we place these perspectives aside, how do we define legit creative chops? Is it an action, way of thinking or skill set? Is it a mysterious blend of natural talent, … [Read more...]

Solstice Energy and Finding your Seasonal Creative Groove

  No matter where you are in the world, the solstice inspires a big shift in your creative groove. It’s a powerful marker of endings and new beginnings. You can feel it in your bones, sense it on your skin and anticipate the freshness of something different as you say goodbye and let go.   In this space of releasing the grip of an old season and birthing something new, it’s important to actually breathe into what you are feeling and connect with it. What’s exciting or worn … [Read more...]

What Motivates your Creative Voice? 5 Ways to Find Out

  Our creative voice is a lively blend of beliefs, fears, experiences, creative tension and the choices we make along the way - all rolled into one. This mixture of chaos and beauty helps us dig in to find our truth and ways to share it.   In the middle of all these moving parts, it can be hard to pinpoint your true creative motivation. Motivation is a feeling that inspires a heart-felt or idealistic way to take action, as much as it’s sparked by the need to change or expand … [Read more...]

Identify Go-To Soul Comforts and Call on Them to Create with Greater Love and Intention

  Soul comforts are one of the most potent acts of self-love and creativity. Not only do these little acts of care revive, inspire and transform you from the inside out, their influence enables you to create anything with greater love and intention.   Our personal go-to soul comforts are often the first thing that gets neglected in favor of “doing” to make an impact in the external, physical world. And as we get older and leave behind our natural childhood soothing techniques, … [Read more...]