Solstice Energy and Finding your Seasonal Creative Groove

creative groove, transition, solstice


No matter where you are in the world, the solstice inspires a big shift in your creative groove. It’s a powerful marker of endings and new beginnings. You can feel it in your bones, sense it on your skin and anticipate the freshness of something different as you say goodbye and let go.


In this space of releasing the grip of an old season and birthing something new, it’s important to actually breathe into what you are feeling and connect with it. What’s exciting or worn out? Have certain things outlived their usefulness, and can you give yourself permission to want something better?


The rhythms of nature wherever you live can have this same deep, introspective impact on your creative groove. Her ingrained, natural shifts act as a guide, offering a time to pause, listen, rest and feel into changes not with fear, but a new sense of freedom.


Are you ready to embrace what’s next?


Shape Shifting Creative Inspiration into Clarity


moon, clarity, changes


As I was looking at the bright and beautiful “almost full” moon outside my window just before midnight, a quick series of questions popped into my head. I see them as a simple way to help view, ground and release while moving through physical, emotional, spiritual or environmental changes:


  • What needs new eyes and a fresh perspective?
  • What needs legs to grow strong and more grounded in reality?
  • What needs wings to expand and fly to new creative heights?


These questions are good to use any time of year, but incredibly powerful at the solstice. Leaving one phase and entering another is a time to stop, reflect and honor what you need most to step into a new creative expression. You may be able to answer all of these questions or none of them. I believe they are just a starting point to tap into a new creative groove, or give your current one some updates and clarity.


There is a way play in every season, no matter the weather. Take on what feels right. Sit with it. Ask yourself if you want to play with it. Does it inspire you right now? Better yet, which routines need shaking up to greet the new season? What can be revived with new energy, and what needs to be released for good?


Also remember to shift self-care needs with the seasons. Do you need more rest or to mix up your exercise routine? Are you eating foods that match your seasonal Dosha needs (according to Ayurveda) in order to stay grounded and strong?


The light and dark of the sun (our closest star) impacts what’s illuminated, literally and figuratively. Tune in and ask yourself what’s resonating. What wants to come to life through you creatively, starting now?


As old energy cycles out and you transition into a new season over next few weeks, honor what your mind, body and heart are telling you. Embrace a new creative groove with anticipation of what can be, knowing that it takes time and dedication to grow and shape it.


Most importantly, expect magic. You never know what this season and phase of light can illuminate for you!


Happy Solstice!


For a bit of additional inspiration, check out my post on my Top 10 inspirational books for your summer reading. These are my go-to books again and again. I will be adding some new ones this summer. For insights on a similar topic, check out Creativity Kick-Start: Take Ownership to Build Creative Honesty and Flow.


Looking for some support or insight during this transitional time? Connect with me for an intuitive reading. For even more insight on mindful topics, check out my podcast, Flirting With Enlightenment.