Archives for February 2015

Get Wise to Creative Mood Killers

  Creative mood killers are a real thing. Just like in the movies when you watch the lovable dork seemingly ruin a chance with the girl of his dreams, creative mood killers descend on and trample the vibe and confidence you have in your capabilities. This sly little minx sneaks up and wiggles into your thoughts, kicking off bouts of doubt by whispering about the future, worst case scenarios and failure.   Mood killers also throw you off balance, leaving you like a turtle … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Tips to Find your Core Creative Motivators

Creative motivators are practices or tools you use to get inspired, focused and in the groove to take action. Within the last 5 years, access to an endless supply of creative motivators has opened up through online resources, classes, teachers and coaches, yet, people still feel disconnected from themselves and what makes them feel creatively fulfilled.   Why?   There are more resources available than quality time to move through them. Notice I said quality time. You can … [Read more...]

Time to Dispel your Own Creative Myths

Creative myths are a powerful force that gains momentum the more you repeat them. There are collective old-school myths like right-brained people are more creative or that creativity is purely an artistic expression. But what about the myths you’ve come to know very personally...because you made them up?   In many ways the creative myths you craft have served you, offering reasonable excuses that soothed the ego when you weren’t ready to move forward in a clear way, or when your fear … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Take Ownership to Build Creative Honesty and Flow

  Taking ownership of what you create is a big part of your identity and influences how you connect with true, inner creative honesty. It can feel uncomfortable if you are challenged by taking in compliments or embracing success, and equally heavy if you don’t like what you are creating in your business or life.   Either way, the thoughts about your experience are what make you “right” or “wrong”, and can quickly stop your creative flow, drying it up like a piece of jerky … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Turn the Tables on Creative Indecision

  When you are in a state of creative indecision it can feel like you are being held hostage by yourself. Wiggle too much and the ties get tighter, think too much and the mind gets muddled, feel too much and you are drowned by emotions instead of moving through them.   Breaking free from a state of creative indecision can be simple or complicated, but you aren’t as powerless as you may feel about your “stuckness”. Trying to control how it evolves or effects you is what makes … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Forgiveness and Creative Choices

Creative choices can carry a lot of emotional weight. Some of them are the pivotal, life-changing choices you remember because they highlight the ways you decided to honor your true self or turn away from what you really wanted to create in order to play it safe, avoid confrontation or out of sheer fear of success.   Creative choices are also easy to romanticize; to dig into and exploit the inherent emotional trigger points that allow you to celebrate or judge yourself over and over … [Read more...]

Waiting for Someone Else to Validate your Creativity?

Creativity is such a personal thing, a unique, individual expression of your deepest self shaped by life experiences, desires, hidden patterns and areas of healing. It’s this personal self-discovery process through creative acts that builds you up, tunes the creative voice and exposes your soft spots, showing you where the biggest areas of growth and joy can be found as you explore your path.   So in this very personal process, why do we often look for others to validate our creative … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: 3 Tips to Stay Connected to your Creative Purpose

  Changing your mind is something you have the power to do at any moment, but what about changing your creative purpose? Do you feel you were born to accomplish or create something specific that hasn’t come to pass? Are you trailing after a creative purpose that doesn’t spark your heart or interest anymore? Or is your inner voice leading you to create something completely different that will turn your life upside down?   It can be all of these reasons and a thousand more. The … [Read more...]