Archives for December 2014

Creativity Kick-Start: Explore your Next Creative Edge

  As the year comes to a close I have thanks in my heart for all I’ve learned and created, paired with a simmering passion for my next creative edge.   In many ways I took the things I’ve learned (and continue to learn) through my personal experience and turned them into tools and insights to support and guide others to dive deeper into creative self-exploration. Through my weekly blog posts, classes, G+ Hangout on Air appearances and connections with clients my goal is always … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Write a Thank You Note to your Creative Self

  After a long year of learning, brainstorming, creating and doing, your creative self deserves a big thank you.   Remember all those days filled with chaos and deadlines? The long nights you were poking at your creative muse, begging for it to come up with something fresh and innovative? How about the early mornings spent filling yourself with high-octane coffee, pouring over the fine details of your latest project or idea to make sure every little thing was “just … [Read more...]

Creative Connection, the Heart and the Holidays

  Creative connection starts in the heart space, plain and simple. Whatever your unique gifts, talents, passions or abilities, the heart fuels them all. So what happens when you lose that heart connection or it gets plugged up with emotional junk, especially around the holidays?   Your creative insights “power down” to a slow roll, what you are creating seems “off” or you feel shut off from the joy of the season, which creates a roadblock in your focus and … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Celebrate Unexpected Gifts and Accomplishing Unplanned Goals

  As the year winds down it’s easy to get caught in top ten lists, savory baked goods and the appearance of the familiar year-end friend - goals. The promise of a fresh new year sweeps people into evaluation mode, nudging you to judge your success and performance or lament opportunities missed. The holiday season is an annual calendar prompt to see if you are moving along in a way that feels good or rough around the edges, healthy or exhausting, or like an endless combination of other … [Read more...]

Walking the Line Between Creating and Producing as an Entrepreneur

  Walking the line between creating and producing as a creative soul can be challenging for entrepreneurs. Turning a creative talent into a rewarding, successful business can be the ultimate dream, as you step into the flow and share a piece of yourself with the world. It also means balancing all the requirements and demands of running a business while continuing to feed your passion.   The critical transition of transforming a creative gift or talent into a business brings … [Read more...]

Creativity Kickstart: 4 Ways to Re-Imagine How you View Creative Milestones

  I think of creative milestones like a highlight reel of memorable moments. They can include a range of physical and emotional experiences in your life that have brought you joy or pushed you to grow, empowered you to realize something deeper about yourself or made you feel something intense that sticks in your mind and heart.   This is my definition, but what’s yours? How do you view and value your creative milestones? Do you even think about it, or just continue to do what … [Read more...]

Assessing or Obsessing: Shifting How you Value your Creative Energy

  The end of the year often inspires a call for inner reflection, a desire to review what you’ve accomplished or reassess if your creative energy is being used in inspiring, productive ways. It’s also a time of year when it’s easy to be judgmental about what you’ve done or not done, dragging you into a bout of self-imposed doubt.   Is this normal? Yes. Is it something that needs fixing? Not necessarily, but the emotional experience associated with a self-review serves as a … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Refresh Creative Tools

    It's inevitable, the go-to creative tools you call on daily get dull over time. Whether it's meditation, physical exercise, writing prompts, visualizations, brainstorming, walks in nature or hobbies, the initial “punch” these activities offer can start to feel watered down long-term.   Regular use of any tool provides a sense of comfort, and it's easy to fall in step with a common energy pattern that feels stabilizing. However, as you get more familiar with the … [Read more...]