View Creative Challenges as Opportunities to Find Intuitive Solutions and Healing

  It’s inherently human to strive to solve creative challenges. The discomfort, fear, irritation and “not knowing” energy drives you to find answers to what you see as “problems.”   But what if those "problems" are the key to you understanding yourself on a deeper level, as well as the key to unlocking the creative gifts hiding on the other side? In other words, what if they aren’t problems at all, but opportunities to expand into deeper emotional … [Read more...]

Give Wings to What Needs to Be Released or Take Flight

  As the energy of release continues with the bold, bright super moon , something even bigger is just over the horizon that's being illuminated in our hearts. You may feel it, sense it or even dream of it, as it tosses and turns in waves within, waiting to be seen or noticed. Or you may realize something is simply so uncomfortable that it must go, whatever the cost.    Welcome to the precipice of death and rebirth; the edge of intuition and reason.    The … [Read more...]

To Improve Creative Output, Go Inward

  What comes to mind when you hear the phrase improve creative output?   A spark of prolific creative ideas and hours of non-stop writing? A clear vision of the strides you are making on a business or passion project? Good progress on a life goal or building healthy habits? Or something else entirely?   Clearly knowing what creative output means to you and why it’s valuable sets the stage for how you can open up to more, and increase your energy as a creative … [Read more...]

Are You Present in Your Creative Process, or Creating in Default Mode?

  No matter how well your inner creative process runs, it hits a point when efforts feel more like a “default action” rather than a well-oiled, inspired creative act.   We all operate with certain “default settings” in tow. These settings are created by coping patterns and learned behaviors, combined with the level of freedom you feel to create from an honest, inspired place. It’s not always easy to spot these auto-responders until they are called into play.   Over … [Read more...]

Expressing Gratitude is Part of Honoring Hard Work

  The energy and effort that goes into creativity and self-growth is equally important to the gratitude you voice for yourself and others along the way.   When you take a few deep breaths and a mindful pause in deep gratitude, you: Recenter within the positive energy of what you've accomplished Gain clarity around how you feel about what you've created Understand where intuition is guiding you next, and follow it with ease   A moment of stillness also … [Read more...]

Dreaming With the E-Brake On: How We Unknowingly Limit Creative Options

  How do you define creative options for yourself?   As possibilities you hold in your heart?  Clear choices out on the table? Hobbies and weekend passions that spark creativity? A list of alternatives that serve as a back-up to well-orchestrated plans?   Or is it expressed as an automatic gut-inspired choice?   While there's no “one” way to see and act on the creative options in front of you, there's a well-worn way you often go about it - and your … [Read more...]

Desires, Soul Callings and How Time and Timing Shapes Them

Do you listen to your desires and soul callings? I mean really listen to their texture and nuances?   What do they feel, smell and sound like? Can you see yourself acting on them, or are they simply a fantasy to play with when you are bored?   Do you feel there is a right time for them, and trust you will know when that time is?   The really cool part about desires and soul callings is that they serve as option placeholders. They are a way to express yourself, … [Read more...]

What Motivates your Creative Voice? 5 Ways to Find Out

  Our creative voice is a lively blend of beliefs, fears, experiences, creative tension and the choices we make along the way - all rolled into one. This mixture of chaos and beauty helps us dig in to find our truth and ways to share it.   In the middle of all these moving parts, it can be hard to pinpoint your true creative motivation. Motivation is a feeling that inspires a heart-felt or idealistic way to take action, as much as it’s sparked by the need to change or expand … [Read more...]

Identify Go-To Soul Comforts and Call on Them to Create with Greater Love and Intention

  Soul comforts are one of the most potent acts of self-love and creativity. Not only do these little acts of care revive, inspire and transform you from the inside out, their influence enables you to create anything with greater love and intention.   Our personal go-to soul comforts are often the first thing that gets neglected in favor of “doing” to make an impact in the external, physical world. And as we get older and leave behind our natural childhood soothing techniques, … [Read more...]

Tap into Animal Symbolism to Inspire Creativity and Hone Intuition

Animal symbolism is a tool humans have used for thousands of years to learn about ourselves and how we relate to their community of critter counterparts in nature. While the term animal symbolism sounds very formal, it’s simply a system for connecting with our more intuitive, animal-based inner nature and accessing deeper self-knowledge. By connecting with traits of certain animals, humans can easily understand and tap into their own natural creative traits and senses in a playful, abstract … [Read more...]