Have you ever tried practicing silence? Total silence as in not uttering a peep, completely ignoring the neighbor's yappy dog and disconnecting from the siren song of your endless mind chatter? Is there a part of you that loves the idea in theory, but find it hard to practice in every day life? Well, welcome to the club! We are all trying to find our own path to quality quiet time in the digital age. While practicing silence through a meditation … [Read more...]
Inspirational Power of Smell: Part 2 of Ways to Tap into Intuition and Spark Creativity
The power smell has over us, our intuition and creativity is quite remarkable. It can evoke good and bad memories, feelings of fear or comfort, spark initial gut insights about someone or transport us to another time and place. What we “smell” can also lead us towards something or away from it, and draw our attention down a new and interesting path of creative exploration. While we often experience smells, we don’t always stop and think about all of the ways … [Read more...]
Simple Ways to Tap into Intuition and Spark Creativity Blog Series: Part 1
I believe creativity and intuition are different aspects of the same energy. They feed each other like an infinite loop, each sparking or calming one another as they play together. When creativity is low, our connection to intuition can be closed off. When our intuition feels strange or ungrounded, we get judgy about what we are creating, or have expectations about what it needs be. Of course there are many influences that tamper with our creativity or … [Read more...]
Redirecting the Mind’s Relentless Review of What We Create
The mind is only one aspect of who we are, but it tends to run the show a lot of the time. Take the power of the mind and combine it with our “inner software” - fears, challenges, old patterns and varying levels of confidence and it runs off, rethinking, reworking and trapping us in a relentless review of what we create. Sometimes it can seem like the mind just loves to dig back into spots we thought were a clean slate, dragging us into a previous version of ourselves or … [Read more...]
Release, Surrender and Opening Up to Creative Renewal
As we cycle through the seasons, a natural rhythm evolves in the external world related to the earth, as well as in our inner world through creative renewal. In spring it’s about planting seeds and taking care of them. When summer rolls around, we are surrounded by what’s grown ripe. In fall, harvest is in full swing, as we collect the bounty of what we’ve planted. In winter, the dormant earth reminds us to turn inward in order to release what’s not growing to begin again, guided by … [Read more...]
Crown Chakra: Creative Infinity and Rebirth
The crown chakra is our connection to cosmic energy and creative inspiration beyond what we can “see” in reality. When we awaken this chakra located at the top of our head, we become one with the divine, opening a gateway that connects us to higher dimensions, expansive insights and an experience of pure joy without judgment or expectations. We also connect with a sense of peace and calm. We feel an inner knowing that as creative beings, we can play with what’s possible … [Read more...]
Third Eye Chakra: Inner Wisdom, Emotional Intelligence and Creative Intuition
The third eye chakra acts as our direct connection to higher consciousness, ushering in amazing, soul-fulfilling jolts of creative inspiration. Think of it as the space where self-awareness, imagination and intuitive guidance meet, enabling us to focus and create something in alignment with the truth of who we are at our core. As the “virtual” eye between our two physical ones, the third eye chakra reaches beyond physical seeing and invites us to step into inner knowing; … [Read more...]
Get Down to Basics to Ignite More Meaningful Creative Insights
As the energy of the new year rolls into our hearts, minds and consciousness, there’s a strong desire to change something, anything, in order to ignite new creative insights. Yet, the date on the calendar does not magically make the experiences and emotions of last year disappear, or enable change to spring into motion. The push and pull between these two distinctly different types of energies is actually happening all the time, despite what the calendar says. The imprint … [Read more...]