What keeps you rooted in the present and within yourself? Do you have a clear path of consistent self-care, support tools, habits, creative expression? Are you connected with a community that acts as a support system and aligns your basic human needs and well-being? Do you know beyond a doubt that no matter what, you are loved, and things will be OK? If not, the world is providing a really big opportunity for you to explore all of these dynamics starting right … [Read more...]
Practicing Creative Closure and Coming to Peace With What Is
In my experience, creative closure is an essential part of the creative process. It’s the part that stings, disappoints and sometimes sets us back, as much as it teaches humility, imbues us with hard won wisdom, and sets us free. The challenge is in understanding how we come to creative closure in our mind and heart, even when saying goodbye to something feels forced or like a last resort. As much as we want reasons and clarity why something isn’t flowing or … [Read more...]
Why Practicing Creative Discernment is Essential for Everyone
There is an art to practicing creative discernment, or in other words, your personal ability to sense if something is in alignment with you and the deepest expression of your creative truth. And right now you might be asking yourself, why is creative discernment important if I already create from my heart and go for what I want? You might also say, does this matter if I don’t really see myself as “creative”? My answer is yes, it matters, and here’s the core … [Read more...]
Passion Gut Check: What Still Resonates?
When was the last time you did a passion gut-check? Played with what feels good and sense what feels stale? Or, thought about how little time you spend connecting with your passions on a regular basis? It’s not easy when managing “life” to tap into what lights you up inside. Many times you forget about passion altogether, focusing on the never ending list of responsibilities that need attention. After a while, the focus and time you spend on practice, play, or … [Read more...]
Change Up the Brush That Paints Your Creative Perspective
A change in seasons is on the way and along with it, an opportunity to change up your creative perspective and how you open your heart to exploration. There are standard changes that come in every season through nature. New things are about to bloom, others are about to complete their journey and need to be released. Seasonal foods, smells, travel opportunities, weddings, classes, or jobs are also often part of this shift. And let’s not forget all the baby critters finally … [Read more...]
Creative Hustle Habits: What To Keep, Release Or Grow
Ahh, the good old creative hustle. The drive to keep creative ideas alive and flowing while making a little side scratch to build a business, or simply keep our personal creativity flowing in the day-to-day. Freelancers especially understand this dance, as we try to choreograph it with available projects and staying creatively engaged in our work. At times it can be exhilarating, like winning a prize at the last minute that you never expected, and offers great experience - plus cash! However, … [Read more...]
Lead With a Grateful Heart To Inspire More Creativity and Love
How often do you lead with a grateful heart? Is a daily act or seasonal one? A community inspired practice or a mindful act of meditation you tap into when feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or ungrounded? Or do you see a grateful heart as part of who you are intrinsically - the core of what makes you uniquely you because of how you express that feeling? It can be all and more. There's no one right way. The power is in sharing and … [Read more...]
Making it Through a Creative Desert to the Other Side
It takes guts to admit when we are in the middle of a creative desert, especially if we aren’t sure how to get out of it to the other side. The experience can start out innocently enough. Distractions become more engaging than looking at what’s “dried up”, and why. Drama inflicted by others takes on a new level of importance, and there’s always lots of excuses about timing and inspiration. We might also focus on what isn’t working to a fault, instead of what we can … [Read more...]
Finding Your Creative Sweet Spot
Do you know your creative sweet spot; that space where you feel free, empowered, and clear to create anything? Where all the pieces of the puzzle fit together in a way that makes you confident, and inspired to create without burning out? If you do, keep rocking it! For the rest of us juggling lots of interests and passion projects, the creative sweet spot moves. A lot. At times it’s easy to find and nurture. Our vision is clear and feels on … [Read more...]