When you throw together all of your life experiences, relationships and passing interests that led to nothing but detours, you are just scraping the surface of what shapes your creative path. Is this mind blowing? Not really, but it's pretty amazing if you think about how each of aspect has looped towards, away from and over each other to bring you to the present moment. So, having gotten this far on your winding creative path, can you take the viewpoint of a hawk, high on … [Read more...]
Creativity and the Inner Boss
Creativity and the inner boss. When paired together these concepts seem to be total opposites, pushing against each other’s efforts in a way that ends in a stand-off with no winner. Yet, this dynamic duo can definitely be a powerful pair, if they join forces for the greater good - you. The inner boss is not the ego (although it can certainly be bossy), but the way you manage yourself. Do you go full-steam into something, only to get bored towards the end and let things come to a thud? Do you … [Read more...]
Creative Purpose and the Power of Crafting Inner Questions
There are big picture types of questions people often ask themselves when they are searching within for deeper, more heart-centered truths, the kinds of truths that make them who they are and give them a reason to open their eyes and move with creative purpose. And like with anything in life, the question you ask and how you ask it will provide the insight you need to move forward with confidence to make choices that balance head and heart. However, there is one question people often see as a … [Read more...]
Anchoring in a Personal Power Theme
Welcome to February, the first month that isn’t the tail end of one year and the beginning of another. Expectations aren’t so overwhelming or obligation-driven, giving you a bit of room to daydream. And while some things are sticking around and others just feel plain ol’sticky, the picture is a bit clearer outside of the holiday haze. That’s why I think February is the best month of the year to create a platform that can help guide the “inner you” as the year rolls forward. One way to do that is … [Read more...]
Creative Exploration Starts with the Heart
The year 2013 has a new rhythm to it; lighter, more flowy and heart-centered. Open. Inspiring. Transitional. It’s cracking the door open to fresh perspectives and ideas, while old ways of thinking and doing are slowly sneaking out the back door in the early morning light. And at times, if can feel a bit like working through a hangover. I spent much of December last year taking time to let go of countless outdated ideas and ways of thinking that I realized were more like old … [Read more...]
Cracking Open
We all get stuck. Usually you have an inkling about what’s buggin’ you, but distract yourself into thinking you don’t. Other times the "what"just keeps slipping out of your hands like a snake covered in baby oil. It slithers into the background out of sight, but you feel its presence, lurking in the shadows. Thoughts about the “what” keep you on edge because you don’t know when its finally going to peek out, tongue flickering, to make the big reveal. No way to prepare. And even though there … [Read more...]
What Gets you Out of Bed in the Morning?
Is it the duties of life, your pet’s butt in your face, screaming kids or your passions — the things you love more than anything else in the world? Your passion could be for watching murder mystery shows, speaking Klingon or simply sitting and meditating with a cup of tea. Whatever it is, that fire, that PASSION is what sustains you throughout life, so are you living yours? No one even needs to know about it (or them), but this deep, raw part of you needs to be nourished … [Read more...]
Release the Old to Inspire Creativity
As we move along in our hurried lives we collect. We collect ideas, habits, people and thought patterns. Then the realization hits us; we are bogged down feeling heavy, stuck or even trapped. The sudden desire to change something in our lives, anything, comes bubbling up in ways we never expected. We search for any way to find just a little breathing room, and that where the tough part comes in… figuring out what to release to regain flexibility and creative inspiration. Its easy to keep … [Read more...]
Creative Kickstand: Time to Rev Up or Take a Break?
People often think creativity as an act of doing, when really it starts as a act of being. Being in the moment, being aware, being open to and delving into feelings; that is where you dive into the creative meat, the real deal. Seeds of inspiration come from observing so many things; yourself, your surroundings, your past, but they don’t always show up when you want them to. So, when you come to a creative pause what is best? To try and push through the barrier with the … [Read more...]