What keeps you rooted in the present and within yourself? Do you have a clear path of consistent self-care, support tools, habits, creative expression? Are you connected with a community that acts as a support system and aligns your basic human needs and well-being? Do you know beyond a doubt that no matter what, you are loved, and things will be OK? If not, the world is providing a really big opportunity for you to explore all of these dynamics starting right … [Read more...]
Fine Tune Observation Skills to Fire Up Creativity
There’s something to be said for amping up quiet observation skills. To actively listen to what’s just beneath the surface, or feel into the vibe of the room or situation before even one word is spoken. Call it “spidey sense”, intuition, or gut feeling, all of these factors tie into how you observe, what you “hear”, how you relate, and subsequently, create. The way you listen also changes with each experience. What you learned, how you may or may not have gotten burned, and a little sprinkle … [Read more...]
Courage to Create Anew
There are times when no matter how much we try to piece things together as they are and "make it work", the time has come to create anew. To ask deeper questions. To actively honor intuitive hits and the way we really feel deep in our heart, while coming to peace with what no longer resonates and let go. Sometimes all at once. These elements are no small things for the heart and soul to consider. Attention to honoring them fully requires radical honesty with … [Read more...]
Working Through Impatience and Confusion Along the Creative Journey
Working through impatience and confusion along the creative journey is by no means a unique experience. We’ve all been there, feeling the weight of indecision about our next creative step, or the intense sensation of restlessness as we wait. Distract ourselves. Then wait some more - for things to click; to show up in a way that says, YES, you are on track and thriving. Feeling successful and in the flow is something we all crave, especially when we are creatively and … [Read more...]
Passion Gut Check: What Still Resonates?
When was the last time you did a passion gut-check? Played with what feels good and sense what feels stale? Or, thought about how little time you spend connecting with your passions on a regular basis? It’s not easy when managing “life” to tap into what lights you up inside. Many times you forget about passion altogether, focusing on the never ending list of responsibilities that need attention. After a while, the focus and time you spend on practice, play, or … [Read more...]
Allow Creative Mystery To Enchant You
When was the last time you felt enchanted or drawn by a sense of creative mystery, free of boundaries or rules? No plan, no specific path, just open opportunity led by curiosity? Can you recall when you last tuned into the creative mystery within yourself; to a connection that is felt and envisioned rather than drawn out on paper into a clear outline and process? Or, do you focus on the “practical” side of creating without inviting in the mystery of what’s … [Read more...]
How Good Are You At Owning, Then Releasing, Your Mistakes?
We all make mistakes. What we don’t always realize is how we hold onto the energy of them long after they’ve transpired, and what it does to our self-esteem and creativity. Our mind can get caught up in repainting our memory or retelling the story of our mistakes, too. The creative inspiration that could be saved for our projects can run amok, crafting new villains and building fresh plot lines, all while we sit with the emotions, letting them replay larger and deeper into … [Read more...]
Break Away From Assumptions and Open Up New Creative Opportunities
I think it’s pretty safe to say everyone makes assumptions time to time that limit our ability to notice creative opportunities. Our assumptions can be rooted in the things we’ve learned, love, or have been burned by, and have come to shape our vision and values. Family influence and personal relationships fortify those assumptions even further. As intuitive beings, we also rely on the way we feel as part of our decision making process. Even when our intuition … [Read more...]
Patiently Nourish What is Ready to Emerge or Cycle into a New Stage
We are on the brink of spring in the US which always sparks thoughts and excitement about what’s about to emerge in nature. The fresh sweet-smelling air, tweeting birds, budding trees and plants inspire us to do the same; to come out of our slumber and create anew. Despite this spark of seasonal transformation, it’s important to remember that the energy of all of the seasons - winter, spring, summer and fall - resides within us and can be accessed at any time to instigate … [Read more...]
How Are You Going To Be More True To Yourself In 2017?
Being true to yourself as you transition into the energy of a new year sounds good on paper, but can be a little challenging to put into practice. January can feel packed with demands, expectations and a call to kick-off something, anything new. Hope and excitement energy feels invigorating, and is a nice shift to help inspire your creative heart. The same energy can also scatter your attention, especially when it’s blended with an underlying sense of urgency … [Read more...]