Archives for May 2016

Tap into Animal Symbolism to Inspire Creativity and Hone Intuition

Animal symbolism is a tool humans have used for thousands of years to learn about ourselves and how we relate to their community of critter counterparts in nature. While the term animal symbolism sounds very formal, it’s simply a system for connecting with our more intuitive, animal-based inner nature and accessing deeper self-knowledge. By connecting with traits of certain animals, humans can easily understand and tap into their own natural creative traits and senses in a playful, abstract … [Read more...]

Ever Listen to Music with Eyes Closed? How it Helps You Connect With New Dimensions of Intuition and Creativity

  Music is one powerful emotional influencer. It inspires and uplifts. Helps us deal with tough times, break-ups and that pesky old baggage we need to heal and release. It brings us closer to understanding our life and emotions as we see ourselves through an artist’s eyes, and can also help alleviate feelings of loneliness and disconnection.   When we listen to music, we are no longer limited to a set of headphones hooked into a stationary stereo or record player. It’s on our … [Read more...]

Observe Everything With an Open Mind and Stay Curious to Fine-Tune Intuition and Creative Awareness

  When it comes to shaping your creative eye and intuitive gifts, you already have one of the most powerful free tools available - the ability to observe.   The act of observation is a treasure chest filled with great toys to play with at any time. How you choose to use them is the key to amping up or diminishing their impact on your personal development path or life.   In many ways, our life purpose is nothing more than to make sense of our world and how we relate … [Read more...]

Actively Play With Your Inner Journey Process to Kick-Start Creative and Intuitive Insights

  The inner journey process is a very unique, sacred and personal process. While we may be inspired by what other creatives, spiritually awakened or successful people do to make the most of their creativity and intuitive gifts, it’s still only a seed of external insight until we put it into practice.   Beyond what we learn from models and mentors, each of us need to shape a way to “go within” that works for how we think, the ways we tend to get stuck and the desires that move … [Read more...]

Why Practicing Silence is a Super Ninja BFF for Creativity and Intuition

  Have you ever tried practicing silence? Total silence as in not uttering a peep, completely ignoring the neighbor's yappy dog and disconnecting from the siren song of your endless mind chatter?   Is there a part of you that loves the idea in theory, but find it hard to practice in every day life?   Well, welcome to the club! We are all trying to find our own path to quality quiet time in the digital age.   While practicing silence through a meditation … [Read more...]