Archives for February 2016

Release, Surrender and Opening Up to Creative Renewal

As we cycle through the seasons, a natural rhythm evolves in the external world related to the earth, as well as in our inner world through creative renewal.   In spring it’s about planting seeds and taking care of them. When summer rolls around, we are surrounded by what’s grown ripe. In fall, harvest is in full swing, as we collect the bounty of what we’ve planted. In winter, the dormant earth reminds us to turn inward in order to release what’s not growing to begin again, guided by … [Read more...]

Crown Chakra: Creative Infinity and Rebirth

  The crown chakra is our connection to cosmic energy and creative inspiration beyond what we can “see” in reality. When we awaken this chakra located at the top of our head, we become one with the divine, opening a gateway that connects us to higher dimensions, expansive insights and an experience of pure joy without judgment or expectations.   We also connect with a sense of peace and calm. We feel an inner knowing that as creative beings, we can play with what’s possible … [Read more...]

Third Eye Chakra: Inner Wisdom, Emotional Intelligence and Creative Intuition

  The third eye chakra acts as our direct connection to higher consciousness, ushering in amazing, soul-fulfilling jolts of creative inspiration. Think of it as the space where self-awareness, imagination and intuitive guidance meet, enabling us to focus and create something in alignment with the truth of who we are at our core.   As the “virtual” eye between our two physical ones, the third eye chakra reaches beyond physical seeing and invites us to step into inner knowing; … [Read more...]

The Throat Chakra: Honest Self-Expression and Active Listening Shapes Creative Confidence

  The throat chakra represents how we fine tune and express our unique ideas and creative voice outwardly. Guided by the heart chakra before it, our voice encompasses more than what we want to say - it includes what we are guided to say intuitively (inner voice), as well as what we are afraid to say to others out of fear of rejection, criticism or “being wrong”.   In this way, the throat chakra acts as a gatekeeper, balancing our true voice with the perceived “cost” of … [Read more...]

The Heart Chakra: Emotions, Love and the Heart of a Creative Journey

The heart chakra is our love center, the place where self-love, unconditional love and compassion resonate most strongly. When tuning into our truth and purpose, the heart helps us find a way to express it outwardly, leading us towards connecting with deep creative needs and desires.   The challenge is we often let the head take over and ignore the heart’s call.   Listening to head over heart distracts us from what we need most of all in order for creative expression to … [Read more...]