When was the last time you made the effort to tap into your core creative essentials - the things you as a unique human being need to support your creativity, mindset, physical health, attitude and overall well-being? Has it been a couple of months? Years? Never? Maybe reviewing your core creative essentials is “top of mind” right now as you learn to navigate life as an individual, couple, family, creative, or business owner exclusively from home. Or you could feel … [Read more...]
Practicing Creative Closure and Coming to Peace With What Is
In my experience, creative closure is an essential part of the creative process. It’s the part that stings, disappoints and sometimes sets us back, as much as it teaches humility, imbues us with hard won wisdom, and sets us free. The challenge is in understanding how we come to creative closure in our mind and heart, even when saying goodbye to something feels forced or like a last resort. As much as we want reasons and clarity why something isn’t flowing or … [Read more...]
Notice and Leverage Useful Insight from Creative Crunch Time Behaviors
Creative crunch time behaviors are something we all develop. Students, employees, entrepreneurs and creatives alike deal with the sense of dread that comes with looming deadlines and feeling the mental and physical pressure. We also have habits we return to again and again in crunch time that we can use to our advantage - if we stop judging ourselves about them. Take a moment to pause and think about it. When you have a deadline looming and start to feel the pressure, what … [Read more...]
How Can You Create More Freedom In Your Life?
Freedom is a powerful word. We often strive to create more of it, but don't realize how our routines are keeping us far from it. Responsibilities can make us feel disconnected from our sense of freedom, shaping a mindset of "someday" instead of finding it in the now. Then, there's the physical aspects of freedom; how we are connected or disconnected from our body, feel stuck in a relationship, or struggle with a power dynamic within the scope of … [Read more...]
Stillness Is the Key Creative Step You May Be Missing
The energy expended “pushing” through life takes its toll when each creative step we take is an active one, and never counterbalanced with stillness. Multiply this pattern by a million moments and we suddenly find ourselves running on empty while calling it living. As a result, the body and mind suffer, and the heart is filled with tasks and expectations instead of fun and joy. Wow, this turned dark pretty quickly! But, think about it. Push past the “to-do” … [Read more...]
Transformation and Getting to the Heart of Your True Creative Identity
Part of change, real deep inner transformation, has ripple effects on how you honor and relate to your true creative identity. The way you see, hear and interpret things opens up. What you feel and the degree to which it influences you changes, too. Things that were once satisfying may now feel flat or uninspired, and the people around you may feel like they drain instead of empower you. This process of opening up towards your true creative identity is why … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Glide Through a Creative Dry Spell
A creative dry spell is a blessing. Truly. When your mind is swirling but can’t land on something that feels right, you are getting insight on your creative state-of-heart. If the path you’re on no longer lights you up, it’s a sign a little down time can help you get re-centered and make a shift into what’s on it’s way into your life next. Most importantly a creative dry spell can also show you that you are ready to expand into something bigger than you feel prepared to take … [Read more...]
Share an Insight from your Creative Path to Inspire Someone Else
The creative path you walk is part of your unique, natural self-expression and a very powerful ally in the self-discovery process. To create is to grow as a person, and to grow as a person you need to be willing to really explore if what you create feels natural and true. This is how your creativity and inner self continue to evolve, hand-in-hand through self discovery. As you move along in life, dancing the line between deeper creative expression and self-discovery, there … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Collaborate with a New Creative Partner
Creative inspiration is catchy, especially when you connect with a collaboration partner who helps bring out new, deeper aspects of your gifts and personal expression. The rush of joining efforts with a like-heart fires up the mind, body and spirit, offering you a chance to see everything with a fresh set of eyes, including what inspires you. The shared understanding you have with a collaboration partner also leaves everything open as you play off the creative energy of … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Change Up your Self-Care Practice
A new season brings in fresh energy of a different flavor, which means how you spend your time on self-care changes, too. The weather shifts with the daylight and your focus becomes more inward or external depending on where you live around the world. We all feel the itch, a fresh infusion of change as the earth does her thing, so why not join in the creative flow by switching up your self-care routine a bit, too? Maybe you celebrated the most recent season by … [Read more...]