Plan B through Z and the Creative Flow

There are times when we truly have our heart set on a plan unfolding just so, down to the sequence of events and every imagined emotional high point in between. It’s scripted in the mind, felt in the body, feared and rejoiced over, perhaps even celebrated before it’s appeared in the physical. This sends the body through a whole course of emotional and physical responses that can help with focusing intention on a desired outcome (depending on what you are thinking and feeling), offering the extra … [Read more...]

The Answer Today is Not Necessarily the Forever Answer

Photo by ToniVC It’s no secret that globally we’ve become accustomed to a faster paced kind of life, and society is constantly evolving to match it. Not only how we communicate, work, collaborate, eat and enter into relationship has changed dramatically, but how we see the future is rapidly changing, too. So with societal norms shifting so quickly, isn’t it also natural that how we make decisions is also transforming? Aside from Hallmark, old movies and grandparents selling us on the idea … [Read more...]

Screw the Clock — Savor the Present

That's right, screw the clock. Shut it off, leave your phone behind, break free from the schedule as much as you can, or are willing. Why? Lives guided by the hands on the clock make us anxious. This barely tangible, man-made tool somehow turns us into lunatics, dictates how we show up and what we create for ourselves. Time makes us panicky at holidays as we step over each other's faces to get the best Christmas gifts, when a gift the next day is just a good. It creates a false urgency … [Read more...]

Unexpected Pot Holes Make Great Trophies

In the course of a day, most people can quickly tell you the 10 things that went wrong compared to the 1000 that actually went off without a hitch. The douche that cut you off in traffic is the spawn of the devil. That granny had it out for you in the grocery store, getting in your way at every turn -- on purpose. Then there is the matter of the lunch bill where "you know who" skimped again. Even though these offenses are minor and not very often, we tend to hang on to those much longer than … [Read more...]