Archives for April 2014

Creativity Kick-Start: Offer Creative Support

The chance to offer creative support to other people is my absolute favorite part of the whole creative process. It’s like having a spy glass that peeks into what lights up a person’s heart, then sprinkling in a bit of encouragement to help them expand an idea into something they can touch and feel. If you’ve been reading my blog for a bit, you already know I’m passionate about supporting others as they dig into their own inner creative (and we all have one). What you might not realize is how … [Read more...]

Turn Waiting into Creative Gold

I think of creative gold as a state-of-mind rather than a goal to achieve. Even the richest ideas need a bit of simmering, giving them a chance to breathe and evolve. That doesn't mean it’s not frustrating as crap when every tingle of excitement is pushing you to take what’s in your mind and heart and expand it into something that has legs in the “real world”, timing be damned!   There may also be situations when you take the leap and put a new idea out into the world, but people … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Inspiration by Nature

This week’s creativity kick-start takes you away from the mental grind and four office walls into nature to find inspiration. The beauty of nature is far beyond what we can physically see at first glance. It's present in the simple design of a leaf as easily as it's camouflaged deep into the grooves of a tree trunk, hidden from view unless you search for it. To get inspired by nature it helps to be outdoors and experience it, yet, reading books, browsing photos or watching nature programs is … [Read more...]

When Creative Tinkering Goes Wild

Creative tinkering is part of any process. Fully shaped ideas don’t often (if ever) fall out of your brain without the need to fine tune them at least a bit to make them ready for prime time. While working with the seed of an idea can feel energizing and intoxicating, sometimes your brain won’t stop yapping at you long enough to let an idea live and breathe on it’s own. This is when you know you’ve encountered a bout of creative tinkering gone wild. Sound like you? Join the club! I’m a … [Read more...]

Creativity Kick-Start: Tickle your Funny Bone

Laughing is a powerful way to release stress and heal, but it’s also great for a creativity kick-start. The positive impact laughing has on health, mindset and overall attitude is not only medically proven, but is also an actual form of yoga. While doing something as simple as laughing to crack open creativity seems almost too easy, the trick is in making sure it’s simple to weave a few giggles throughout your day, effortlessly. A tool as expansive as the internet invalidates any and all … [Read more...]

Creative Fuel and Pushing Empty

Creative fuel is just like the fuel you use in a car. No gas, the car is staying put and you are probably going to be pretty grumpy. No creative fuel, it’s going to be challenging to keep rolling, crafting, writing, brainstorming, working or creating at all, and you will most likely feel grumpy, or unable to connect to your creative flow.   The body can also start to feel anxious and frazzled, which gets the mind to kick in and start painting a fearful picture of “stuckness” or a … [Read more...]

Weekly Creativity Kick-Start: Reconnect with a Creative Childhood Toy

When you are a kid creativity doesn’t require fancy tools or lots of planning. It’s spontaneous, heartfelt, and a natural part of your expression. To revisit with that more playful part of you, it can be a lot of fun to reconnect with a creative childhood toy you’ve always loved and watch what happens. For me it was crayons. I love the expansive range of colors, the fun names and possibilities waiting right in the palm of my hand. Even though I am not an artist by any means (I still draw … [Read more...]

Gratitude for All Your Creative Helpers, Even the Ones that Sting

The act of creating is very personal, but how you choose to express the inner self is always influenced by external creative helpers. Some are loving and supportive, sharing encouragement and reflecting your light so you can view yourself in a more objective way. Other “helpers” are the nay-sayers or challengers, the people and personalities that get you to stand your ground or question the authenticity of your creative identity.   You need both kinds of creative helpers to help you … [Read more...]