Archives for December 2013

A Time for Creative Rest

I think the day right after a big holiday is one of the best times of the year to practice full-on creative rest. It’s just before the end of the year when your mind shifts into reflection mode and you are able to see what did and didn’t work for you with more clarity and objectivity. You are also looking ahead to see what seeds you may want to start planting in the new year, allowing yourself more permission to dream and explore. But before you jump right back into action mode, a small … [Read more...]

Cutting Creative Baggage Loose

  Do you know your own creative baggage? Where it lives, hides or how it feeds itself? How about when it likes to make an appearance? This slippery little minx can make herself pretty scarce, and then suddenly reappear, sending you into a bit of a tizzy with no clear cause and a mess to clean up. So if this sounds familiar and you really want to shift away from drama, the most important question to ask yourself is this... Are you really ready and willing to shake your creative … [Read more...]

Loving What you Perceive as your Creative Flaws

Is it easier to point out your attributes or list your creative flaws? If I were to guess, I would say your list is a bit lopsided, and your ability to pick out what you would change is not only longer, but easier to write. So instead of looking at the points on your list as things to overcome or fix, why not take what you perceive as your creative flaws and learn how to love them? The willingness to see all of who you are and use it to fuel your self expression and creative projects opens up … [Read more...]