Archives for May 2011

Being Healthy Takes More Than Good Food and Sit-ups

Healing is about the journey, like anything else in life. It takes more than vitamins, exercise and eight glasses of water a day to get you there. If you take the drugs, therapies, doctors, alternative health practitioners, healthy eating habits and everything else in between out of the equation, you still have a vast majority of folks who are so out of touch with their own body, they have no idea what it’s trying to tell them. Ever. Your body is the best instrument you have for relieving … [Read more...]

Moving forward without knowing what is around the corner…

This is more of a journal entry style than a blog post, but I thought I would share it anyway. Reassurance is something we all need and can have, but not something you can expect. Acting without reassurance is not only brave, but essential in order to grow, change and expand into the highest and best version of yourself. When you are in doubt as to weather or not you should be making a change -- just breathe. No immediate action is required; it’s just your ego pushing you to take action. The … [Read more...]

What Moves You?

What truly moves you at your core? This simple question stirs up a range of layers and answers so dynamic, unique and inspiring, it's possibly one of the most loaded questions a person can contemplate. But when you truly feel it in your soul, the experience of it beelines you to the heart of what makes you tick, acting as a window to directly connect you with your creative source. It's an amazing thing to witness in yourself or others, and the end destination is always a surprise. I can … [Read more...]