Archives for December 2010

Release the Old to Welcome in the New Year with Grace

  Photo by ~*Leah*~ on Flickr As we prepare for the year to come to a close, the focus is usually already on the year ahead. You know…buckle down. Get clear. Make lists, Set goals. Get FIRED UP! However, in all the holiday hub bub, often we forget this time of year is also a very emotional one. We mix with family members and acquaintances we only see a few times of year and may not particularly like. We also have to answer big lifestyle questions about love, career and our … [Read more...]

Deep Down, Do You Really Know What’s Good for You?

People think they know what they need to feel good and fulfilled. More of this, less of that. Someone to bugger off for a while. A hug. A fight. More money. Less family. Anything sprinkled with chocolate shavings and kisses. The truth is, many people still aren’t sure at a deep, soul level. With the pressure of "shoulds" mashed with expectations, half-truths and delusions instigated by people who have made you doubt yourself, it takes some pretty extensive dedication to bypass the sea of … [Read more...]

Are Expectations Killing Your Dreams?

Dreams are everywhere, in successful and failed companies, in happy marriages or crumbling ones, in thriving careers and celebrity rehab. Once upon a time each dream was fresh, bright and had so much promise; little specks of hope, creativity and great ideas all rolled into one. Then expectations begin to creep in, those small, seemingly harmless little seeds including: when, who, where, why and how -- just like the game of Clue. As they show up you find yourself weighing the expectations … [Read more...]