It’s nice to have plans and a clear creative agenda. It’s even more awesome when plans work out exactly as envisioned, and all the hard work and effort you invest pays off. Then life happens. It lets you know in no uncertain terms that a key element of the creative process is being in the now - being in the true flow of life and creating in tandem with it. The ability to be flexible and open is a beautiful part of the way we all create because it invites us to explore and … [Read more...]
Change Up the Brush That Paints Your Creative Perspective
A change in seasons is on the way and along with it, an opportunity to change up your creative perspective and how you open your heart to exploration. There are standard changes that come in every season through nature. New things are about to bloom, others are about to complete their journey and need to be released. Seasonal foods, smells, travel opportunities, weddings, classes, or jobs are also often part of this shift. And let’s not forget all the baby critters finally … [Read more...]
Owning and Understanding the Essence of Our Inner Work
The phrase inner work is a common one. It means something different to each person, but at its core, inner work relates to our skill level and willingness to practice self-care, creative self-expression of our truth, and personal self-growth. As we move through life, discover our values, have experiences (good and bad), and shift our lifestyle to reflect what truly matters to our heart, we grow. Change. Discover what to let go or create. Bring to light what truly nourishes … [Read more...]
Finding Your Creative Sweet Spot
Do you know your creative sweet spot; that space where you feel free, empowered, and clear to create anything? Where all the pieces of the puzzle fit together in a way that makes you confident, and inspired to create without burning out? If you do, keep rocking it! For the rest of us juggling lots of interests and passion projects, the creative sweet spot moves. A lot. At times it’s easy to find and nurture. Our vision is clear and feels on … [Read more...]
How your Values Impact your Creative Drive
Creativity starts with a spark of inspiration, but a spark is just a spark unless your creative drive kicks in to put energy and motivation behind an idea to take it further. What fuels the creative drive? A sense of intrinsic value and purpose, something that you may not even realize is operating behind the scenes and impacting your creative view. So when is the last time you even thought about what you value or how you came to value it? It might be time to tune-up those filters and … [Read more...]