An experience of creative freedom is like nothing else in the world. You feel strong, confident and clear as your natural gifts flow with ease, blended with the joy of creating things that speak to your heart and soul. To many, it might sound like I’ve described the “ideal” sensation of creative freedom. So, how often do you experience something similar to it? Most of the time? Once and a while? Only in very specific conditions? Not as much as you would like? Or are there … [Read more...]
Playing with Creative Crossover Between Ideas
Are you good at seeing the creative crossover between your ideas? Or do you always start from scratch, brainstorming something completely new and innovative while scraps of paper ripe with potential are scattered on your desk, stuffed into a drawer or left in an “ideas file”? If you are looking for a good way to forget your creative inspirations exist and bury their potential, keep on collecting them like museum pieces. This is one of the most common ways great ideas lose steam. The … [Read more...]
Reframe Creative Hiccups to Move Forward with Confidence
Creative hiccups happen. You lose a computer file, the “idea well” runs dry as a deadline looms or a promising project falls flat. While unintended, these little snafus don’t leave you empty handed - they offer plate after plate of overthinking and regret just like an like all you can eat buffet. Can you tell when you’re full? Or does the buffet keep sucking you back in for more self-judgment? The creative hiccups sprinkled into all aspects of your life are … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Rate the State of your Inner Creative Space
Bringing a creative spark into reality and flowing with your inspiration is so much easier when your inner creative space is healthy. Yet, so many of us carry around old hurts or fears as silent wounds that limit us from taking risks or dreaming big. Just like clutter collects in a physical space, it’s easy to let things like embarrassment, frustration or disappointment collect in the nooks and crannies of your thoughts. When your mind and heart are plugged up by ghosts or … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Tips to Find your Core Creative Motivators
Creative motivators are practices or tools you use to get inspired, focused and in the groove to take action. Within the last 5 years, access to an endless supply of creative motivators has opened up through online resources, classes, teachers and coaches, yet, people still feel disconnected from themselves and what makes them feel creatively fulfilled. Why? There are more resources available than quality time to move through them. Notice I said quality time. You can … [Read more...]
Time to Dispel your Own Creative Myths
Creative myths are a powerful force that gains momentum the more you repeat them. There are collective old-school myths like right-brained people are more creative or that creativity is purely an artistic expression. But what about the myths you’ve come to know very personally...because you made them up? In many ways the creative myths you craft have served you, offering reasonable excuses that soothed the ego when you weren’t ready to move forward in a clear way, or when your fear … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Take Ownership to Build Creative Honesty and Flow
Taking ownership of what you create is a big part of your identity and influences how you connect with true, inner creative honesty. It can feel uncomfortable if you are challenged by taking in compliments or embracing success, and equally heavy if you don’t like what you are creating in your business or life. Either way, the thoughts about your experience are what make you “right” or “wrong”, and can quickly stop your creative flow, drying it up like a piece of jerky … [Read more...]