Archives for November 2013

Self Appreciation and Giving Thanks for your Creative Gifts

Thanksgiving always creates a flurry of focus on appreciation, but how often do we direct that love and gratitude into true self-appreciation? Loving yourself just as you are, learning and striving to be more and growing, even just a little bit, as you screw things up is all part of being human. It’s how you learn what is truly worthy of your gratitude and loving attention, and what you most value at a core level. Yet, most of us put self appreciation last on the list if at all, instead placing … [Read more...]

The Difference Between a True Connection and Connection of Convenience

There is a very distinct difference between forming a true connection with a person compared to creating an alliance with someone out of convenience. The challenge is that people struggle with discerning the subtleties of each, and this leads to misunderstandings, hurt feelings and relationships that are a mismatch in terms of the energy exchange. It doesn’t mean every connection is required to feel personally fulfilling all the time, but tuning in to how each connection plays out is like having … [Read more...]

When Starting Over is the Only Option and How to Be at Peace with It

There are times, despite your best efforts, that starting over is the only option. Your mind has covered every angle. Your heart breaks with each fresh review of the “facts”. There’s no sign of things changing for the better, and your creative inspiration is as dried up as a stale cracker.   If things are looking (and feeling) charred and burned, succumb to sweet surrender. It's the first step to opening your heart for change.   But once you do, can you let things flow to … [Read more...]

Creative Inspiration and Visiting Family

While visiting family in Connecticut last week, I was reminded how creative inspiration shifts whenever I’m reconnecting with them and my hometown. There are predictable places and faces so it doesn't feel quite a “vacation”. There’s also an existing history to align with or rebel against, instead of a “new” adventure type feel to the travel experience. I always see my trips back east as sort of a clashing of the new and the old in the same viewfinder, kind of like a set of before and after … [Read more...]