Wandering is a Creative Practice and a Discipline

The phrase - wandering is a creative practice and a discipline - might make some people itchy, uncomfortable, or downright irritated.  I can already hear two camps in my mind; the folks who think it makes total sense, and others who are scrunching up their faces and thinking ... say what? How does that even work? Well, I used to be primarily in the camp of “say what?” Not because I didn’t understand the concept from a literal point of view, but because I simply had never … [Read more...]

Mindfulness and Crafting a Creative Self-Care Practice

  Mindfulness is a key part of a creative self-care practice. Nourishing your inner spark is a mental act as much as it is an emotional and spiritual one, offering up the opportunity for you to honor, expand and be in the flow of your creative gift moment to moment.   Yet, “minding” the way you talk to yourself and the choices you make, especially during the holiday season, can be a bit challenging to put into action.   Between personal holiday commitments and the need … [Read more...]

Why You Need to Stop Looking for Proof of Your Creative Chops

People always enjoy a good origin story around how we've earned our creative chops. It's a way to connect, compare or anchor in a sense of belonging with each other.   From a different perspective, creative chops act as a barometer and measure of our uniqueness; proof we are special and matter.   Yet, when we place these perspectives aside, how do we define legit creative chops? Is it an action, way of thinking or skill set? Is it a mysterious blend of natural talent, … [Read more...]

Piggy Banks and the Art of Being Mindful

  The practice of being mindful is a lot like the experience of getting your first piggy bank as a kid.   No matter what shape, color or type of “bank” you used, it served as a simple symbol of your resources, connecting the concept of being mindful to a tangible physical form.   Sliding the change through the slot, making it a habit, day dreaming about just how much was hiding behind the walls, picking up extra change you found to deliver it safely to your growing … [Read more...]