Wandering is a Creative Practice and a Discipline

The phrase - wandering is a creative practice and a discipline - might make some people itchy, uncomfortable, or downright irritated.  I can already hear two camps in my mind; the folks who think it makes total sense, and others who are scrunching up their faces and thinking ... say what? How does that even work? Well, I used to be primarily in the camp of “say what?” Not because I didn’t understand the concept from a literal point of view, but because I simply had never … [Read more...]

Breaking Ties With Storylines You Thought You Needed to Finish

Can you tell when it’s time to start breaking ties with storylines you thought you needed to finish?  It’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately.  Like so many others, I had a creative vision and direction locked in my mind for 2020 - with an execution strategy to match. There was definitely flexibility and wiggle room to make shifts and changes on the fly, but I was not prepared for a “full stop”, prolonged break from in-person connection. I also wasn’t ready to … [Read more...]

Blend Creative Fire With the Patience of Being in Progress

It takes courage to blend creative fire with the patience of being in progress.  We have to listen deeply to what our heart is saying, and notice where inspiration is guiding us next. Feel into it. Trust it fully. Then, we need to begin to envision, dream or brainstorm possibilities. Map out steps. Choose to take action in alignment with our vision, while staying flexible to the how, when, and where to empower what we “see” to come into being - without force or expectations around … [Read more...]

Balancing the Energy and Emotion of Endings and Beginnings

Being present with and navigating the energy and emotion of endings and beginnings at the same time is a tricky process.  It’s easy to fall into the pattern of creating great plans, intentions, strategies and long lists as we wrap up one year and begin another, and do it all on auto-pilot. In a way it’s a holiday tradition - finding our personal way to say goodbye to the current year and look forward to the promise of the next. But let’s be honest, 2020 has offered up a much more of … [Read more...]

Understanding the Ways We Avoid Seeing and Accepting Our Truth

There are so many ways we distract ourselves from seeing and accepting our truth. Not only do we generate ever-evolving coping mechanisms to tune out the heart’s voice while external elements high-jack our attention, we create tons of reasons to lock in habits and a way of life to maintain a level of “normal”. It’s not conscious or intentional much of the time; we just mimic what we’ve learned and build well-worn routines to stay protected from experiencing personal trauma. It’s a common … [Read more...]