Archives for March 2018

Soul Lessons and Being Present Through Change

  When you get down to it, soul lessons drive our path forward while acting as a reflection of how well we know ourselves.    It doesn’t matter if you are a creative entrepreneur, parent, healer, 9 to 5-er, young or old. Soul lessons inspire what leads to our desires and the inner calling to understand ourselves better. They also keep us moving forward towards change, offering ample opportunities to shed things, people, beliefs, and ways of life along the way.   I think one of the most beautiful … [Read more...]

Notice and Leverage Useful Insight from Creative Crunch Time Behaviors

  Creative crunch time behaviors are something we all develop. Students, employees, entrepreneurs and creatives alike deal with the sense of dread that comes with looming deadlines and feeling the mental and physical pressure. We also have habits we return to again and again in crunch time that we can use to our advantage - if we stop judging ourselves about them.   Take a moment to pause and think about it. When you have a deadline looming and start to feel the pressure, what … [Read more...]