Archives for October 2012

Plan B through Z and the Creative Flow

There are times when we truly have our heart set on a plan unfolding just so, down to the sequence of events and every imagined emotional high point in between. It’s scripted in the mind, felt in the body, feared and rejoiced over, perhaps even celebrated before it’s appeared in the physical. This sends the body through a whole course of emotional and physical responses that can help with focusing intention on a desired outcome (depending on what you are thinking and feeling), offering the extra … [Read more...]

The Beauty of Living Life Open-Ended

As a professional writer I'm trained to get things exact. Hit the target. Get a reaction. Maximize the word choice. Make an impact and make it count. All honorable things to shoot for in impeccable journalism or marketing-based writing. When the same approach is used as a way to look at life -- not so much. Often we view our experiences as "if I just knew, if I could just figure out. if they would just" and then we slowly trail off down the rabbit hole, succumbing to a whole new realm of … [Read more...]

The Fine Line for an Empath: Taking a Torch to Guilt and Saying Yes to Yourself

Guilt as a word feels heavy to me, even as I say it out loud. It’s dense, chunky and nebulous, like you cannot get your hands around it or find a way to cut it loose. Now imagine if that guilt was not because of your own choices or challenges, but because you feel torn between choosing to support others OR being mindful of your own needs.   That’s how it feels to be an empath — caught between feeling others emotions and deciding how to support them while still honoring … [Read more...]