Archives for June 2012

True Clarity Within Starts With the Power of Your Words

From the questions you ask yourself, to the tapes running through your head, to the way you speak to others, how you find clarity in your life all starts with the power of the words you choose and the questions you pose outwardly. And yes, as a writer I pay way more attention to words that most people would, for obvious reasons. But if you really stop and think about it, how different would things be if you actually thought about the true impact of your words on yourself and others before you … [Read more...]

There’s the Truth and then There’s the “Truth”

How do you know something is true for you? Do you feel it? Just know it? Experience tingles along your skin or a spring in your step? How about a pang in your gut that’s ooey gooey and eases through your body seamlessly? Sensations can sometimes be more obvious when you are standing at a crossroads or making big life decisions, but you can also feel them fleetingly when something synchronistic happens in your life and reflects your personal truth. But have you ever examined where your truths … [Read more...]

What Power Struggles in Relationships Really Show you About Yourself

Power struggles -- we all have em’. Whether it’s between family, co-workers, love relationships or friends, they are a necessary part of change and personal growth. When a power struggle eeks to the surface or explodes like a firey bomb, it’s extremely easy to look at challenging dynamics and blame the other person, pointing out all the reasons you are right and they suck. Which, in some cases, might be entirely true. But the reality is, you have three choices: Be open to the truth of the … [Read more...]

To Forge Stronger Connections Ditch Lame Excuses and Own Your Actions

As our lives become increasingly complex and relationships morph into a mix of technology and limited in-person interaction, how to forge connections and be in relationship, personally and professionally, is rapidly changing. Not only do we need to balance what we prefer, but we need to be even more aware than ever of how others choose to communicate, too, and try to decipher all the same nuances that naturally occur during one-on-one contact.   And let’s face it -- that can be a bit … [Read more...]