Archives for July 2016

Birthday Week Break

  As a gift to myself, I'm taking a birthday week break!   I always use my birthday, (the 25th), as a time to go deeper and reflect. I sit with the energy of my life and consider what I want to release or create in the year ahead. I also take time to celebrate what I've created so far.   By taking the time to honor all aspects of myself and what I've experienced, learned or discovered, a really great awareness emerges. I get clearer on what matters, and I'm able to … [Read more...]

Dancing With the Dynamic of Being Practical and Staying Open-Hearted

  When you really boil it down, it's easy to think of life as a dance between being practical and staying open-hearted.   You can twist yourself up in knots trying to find out the “right”, “best” or approved” way of doing something. Maybe even strategize ways to avoid pain, people or situations using a practical state-of-mind.   Yet, people are inherently heart-centric - even though they don’t always admit it. The state of your heart influences decisions, … [Read more...]

Desires, Soul Callings and How Time and Timing Shapes Them

Do you listen to your desires and soul callings? I mean really listen to their texture and nuances?   What do they feel, smell and sound like? Can you see yourself acting on them, or are they simply a fantasy to play with when you are bored?   Do you feel there is a right time for them, and trust you will know when that time is?   The really cool part about desires and soul callings is that they serve as option placeholders. They are a way to express yourself, … [Read more...]

Celebrate the Freedom to be your True Creative Self

Get inspired by the July 4th holiday this week and celebrate the spirit of freedom - just by being your beautiful creative self! No matter where you live in the world, my hope is that you use this reminder as a way to honor creativity and freedom of self-expression in some way, shape or form.   It's the yearning for a new way, a deeper, more honest expression that inspires the creative spirit to move towards a path where it can be freely shared and reflect the true light within you. … [Read more...]