Creative crunch time behaviors are something we all develop. Students, employees, entrepreneurs and creatives alike deal with the sense of dread that comes with looming deadlines and feeling the mental and physical pressure. We also have habits we return to again and again in crunch time that we can use to our advantage - if we stop judging ourselves about them. Take a moment to pause and think about it. When you have a deadline looming and start to feel the pressure, what … [Read more...]
Creative Hustle Habits: What To Keep, Release Or Grow
Ahh, the good old creative hustle. The drive to keep creative ideas alive and flowing while making a little side scratch to build a business, or simply keep our personal creativity flowing in the day-to-day. Freelancers especially understand this dance, as we try to choreograph it with available projects and staying creatively engaged in our work. At times it can be exhilarating, like winning a prize at the last minute that you never expected, and offers great experience - plus cash! However, … [Read more...]
Nurturing the Creative Spirit in the Face of Criticism and Self-Judgment
The essence of your creative spirit is eternal. It’s a natural flow that moves through you; an effortless presence that doesn’t require work...until you add in criticism and self-judgment. These emotional and/or mental blocks take away the power of the creative spirit and all it offers, leaving you with doubt and fear of what’s ahead and all the ways it may change you or your life. It starts as a seed that quickly spreads to your view of everything, leaving you feeling anxious or … [Read more...]
Ways to Keep Creative Faith When your Path Suddenly Changes
Creative faith is like a superpower that grows stronger with self awareness and trust. The more trust you put into the validity of the impulses effortlessly flowing through you, the more confident and clear you stand in your creative faith. But what happens when life explodes in unexpected ways ? What do you do when plans derail from the train track you’ve carefully crafted, people unexpectedly leave, or life passions seem impossible due to a sudden change in … [Read more...]