Creative crunch time behaviors are something we all develop. Students, employees, entrepreneurs and creatives alike deal with the sense of dread that comes with looming deadlines and feeling the mental and physical pressure. We also have habits we return to again and again in crunch time that we can use to our advantage - if we stop judging ourselves about them. Take a moment to pause and think about it. When you have a deadline looming and start to feel the pressure, what … [Read more...]
How Are You Going To Be More True To Yourself In 2017?
Being true to yourself as you transition into the energy of a new year sounds good on paper, but can be a little challenging to put into practice. January can feel packed with demands, expectations and a call to kick-off something, anything new. Hope and excitement energy feels invigorating, and is a nice shift to help inspire your creative heart. The same energy can also scatter your attention, especially when it’s blended with an underlying sense of urgency … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Get “Meta” to Re-ignite Passion for a Long-Term Goal
When an idea, experience or person sparks your creativity, it can feel like your whole soul lights up from the inside out. The dots start naturally connecting in your mind and heart. The way you see the world feels alive, colorful and open to possibility, and inspiration leads to creative action. As you walk through your personal creative process you find a natural rhythm and you intuitively find your pace. For small, one-and-done projects, it’s easy to hit all of the … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Celebrate Unexpected Gifts and Accomplishing Unplanned Goals
As the year winds down it’s easy to get caught in top ten lists, savory baked goods and the appearance of the familiar year-end friend - goals. The promise of a fresh new year sweeps people into evaluation mode, nudging you to judge your success and performance or lament opportunities missed. The holiday season is an annual calendar prompt to see if you are moving along in a way that feels good or rough around the edges, healthy or exhausting, or like an endless combination of other … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Brainstorming, the Ultimate Creative Muscle Workout
The term brainstorming has taken a bit of an unexpected detour in the last 25 years, ending up an overused “buzzword” in business. While creative ideas generated through brainstorming techniques are invaluable in business, brainstorming is a powerful tool for anyone to use as part of active creative play. It’s the fire that stokes your desire to dream and create in the first place. That’s why it’s an essential part of any creative budget. The creative seeding … [Read more...]