Wake Up to Your New Creative Dawn

creative dawn, creativity, new year, sunrise, perspective, listening, being reborn, reset



As we transition into the fresh 365 days we call 2018, I find myself drawn to the idea of a new creative dawn – and what that really means for each of us.


In some ways it’s about tossing out old habits and finding new healthier ones. Letting go of baggage and getting clear on what we value and want with a more empowered focus. Setting goals and intentions. You know, standard January fare.


These very practical approaches are important tools, but focus mostly on the mind, body, and pragmatic changes that transform us into a leaner, meaner versions of ourselves. Even if we add in vision boards, brainstorming, joining a new community, and taking classes to spice up the creative side of things, there’s something that can easily fall through the cracks.




We can get so busy planning and taking action FIRST, we forget to do a holistic operating system reboot that offers us a mind, body, spirit refresh in perspective.


It’s also why by February we may already be feeling the burn of stress and the looming, judgy feeling of defeat.


I think of a new creative dawn as the willingness to change it all, to be reborn and embark on a fresh journey inspired by belief in ourselves and trust in our inner guidance system.


An intentional reset is about seeing our patterns and actively changing them with self-compassion, empathy, and love, instead of by fear or a push from outside forces. This enables us to feed what we desire with positive energy and illuminate all the places where “weeds” are growing and clogging our path.


Creating and practicing a fresh perspective also allows us to examine the weeds and pluck them with intention. It offers a healthier place for new dreams to grow, rather than leading with the energy of “fixing” ourselves and what we see as broken.


When we shift and connect with the new, then begin again, we wipe away outdated fears, limits, beliefs, and patterns. At the same time, we are able to connect with a stronger faith in ourselves and ability to know what makes us happy, creative beings.


A hard reset is designed to show us what’s really to emerge as a deep, heartfelt desire that wants to be seen and created. Then we are able to build those things with patience, clear vision, and trust in ourselves as well as our spiritual guidance.


So, if your guidance is telling you to hold off and get started in February or some other random month, listen to it. If there are new chance encounters that completely rewrite what you want to create, entertain them. When you feel like change is on the horizon, dig deeper into beliefs and patterns to explore what that means beyond setting new goals or changing your diet.


Take time to listen deeply and entertain a hard reset in all areas of life in order to walk into a new creative dawn connected to your true voice, feeling grounded in what’s best for the mind, body and spirit.


If you are interested in a one-on-one coaching session or intuitive reading with me, let’s get one on the books! I’m also hosting a NEW online Creative Mastermind to support you on your personal creative journey. Looking for additional blog posts on similar topics, check out Tips for Tapping Into your Inner Creative Advisor and Honoring the Birth and Death Cycle of Creativity. Like podcasts and want tips to tap into your inner wisdom? Visit my podcast, Flirting With Enlightenment.