Archives for February 2013

How “What- Ifs” Slash Creative Confidence and What to Do

What-ifs are a part of life. We wonder if something is good or bad, light-hearted or embarrassing, a smart move or a set-back...the list can grow as long as the brain has life to power it, whether you direct active attention to it or not. So when it comes to letting your own what-ifs run wild, you have an opportunity to reign in the mind and determine if you are day dreaming to help build creative confidence, or slowly self-sabotaging it. Here’s how certain “what-ifs” burn through creative … [Read more...]

Being Emotionally Stingy Blocks Creativity

  Needs, requests, obligations and other people’s drama -- all things that suck up time and inner creative fire. And when the day is done and you have given to everyone and everything else, where are you on the list? Do you even show up? If you’ve been feeling creatively bereft and frustrated, you may not realize how you are being emotionally stingy with yourself and blocking creative inner guidance. Being emotionally stingy is usually something that creeps up as a behavior … [Read more...]

Regret or Learn? It’s Always a Choice

Rolling along in life we actively make choices in every moment, even if it doesn't always feel that way. Many of them seem so simple and inconsequential, easily gliding by us as our auto-pilot does the heavy lifting. So when the sting of a few unexpected “life slaps” sneak up, at first they can feel like little mosquito bites; a pinch with a tinge of redness that’s just plain irritating. Soon you realize you keep going back to it, scratching it, and before long it starts getting crazy itchy and … [Read more...]

Anchoring in a Personal Power Theme

Welcome to February, the first month that isn’t the tail end of one year and the beginning of another. Expectations aren’t so overwhelming or obligation-driven, giving you a bit of room to daydream. And while some things are sticking around and others just feel plain ol’sticky, the picture is a bit clearer outside of the holiday haze. That’s why I think February is the best month of the year to create a platform that can help guide the “inner you” as the year rolls forward. One way to do that is … [Read more...]