What to Keep or Toss When Spring Cleaning the Heart


Photo by Pan.101

Photo by Pan.101

While spring sometimes inspires people to sift through the closets and tuck into that mess of a garage, the kind of spring cleaning I’m talking about is inner spring cleaning. As the external environment transforms around you, lifting your spirits or getting you in the mood to do some physical spic and spanning, you may not always give attention to the emotional baggage that really needs the heave-ho.

Many people choose to cleanse the “inside” using detox programs, juicing or changing an unhealthy habit (all great ways to move stagnant energy in the physical), and these steps often shake loose some emotional blocks in the process. However, it’s not the main focus or intention — just a general side effect and the shift isn’t necessarily acknowledged as an emotional one.

In general it’s easier to focus on “outward” types of tasks because they are driven by the mind and come complete with very specific, linear steps to follow. Dealing with the heart and emotions can be erratic, challenging, unpredictable and so much more, which makes it a bit squirrely to take on directly as a “task”. This observation-focused process is more of an ebb and flow, requiring personal guided action in the moment to acknowledge emotional baggage and agree, from a heart-centered place, to let it go.

Tidy the Heart First, Head Second

When focusing purely on the heart, it’s easy to say everything in or close to our heart is important, even if we can actually FEEL the clutter physically weighing our body down. The body, and particularly the heart, hoards all sorts of all the bad memories, hurts and expectations long expired but still hanging on, not to mention a barrel of guilt regarding your treatment of others plus an infinitesimal list of other “junk”. So first step first, are you willing to look at your emotional clutter and toss what no longer serves you?

Just remember, before you can let in anything new — ideas, people, inspirations, positive thoughts, the old HAS TO go. That means the people and patterns you are so tired of need to cleared out before more supportive people and opportunities can move in.

One of the most valuable aspects of this kind of spring cleaning is to lessen the burden on the heart because it’s the ONE thing you carry WHEREVER you go. Your heart impacts your thoughts, ideas, creative inspirations and personal happiness, so make sure it’s mostly carrying things that will influence these core actions within yourself in a positive way. In fact, doing a clean sweep of the heart much more than once or twice a year to will go a long way in helping you stay balanced and creatively connected to what’s true for you in the present.

Here are some simple things that may help re-position how you feel and think about past experiences that still have roots in your heart, and simple ways to let in the new.

  • Name one thing you are emotionally attached to that has not worked in what you perceive as “your favor”, and do your best to let it go. That might mean throwing some things away, stopping contact with someone, spending time alone to work through emotions that surface or just finally acknowledging the feelings of loss associated with a dream that is no longer possible.
  • Do some simple physical things — tackle junk drawer or two, bring old clothes to Goodwill, do a general review of things you no longer use or wear and think about who you can gift it to, freely.
  • Name one behavior or thing you regularly overreact to, and ask yourself why, with an open mind about being willing to change it.
  • Select one dream or passions that hangs out in the back of your mind and spend time giving it some creative thought, daydreaming and refining. It will help give your heart a good little jolt and something positive to get excited about in the coming weeks.
  • Create one new positive habit that you are dedicated to doing regularly for the next 90 days — something simple and easy to accomplish that will also improve your quality of life.
  • Switch up some decorations in your home, change the background on your phone or computer, buy a plant or two or go outside and take some inspirational photos of your own to hang on your walls. Nothing like gazing on your own inspiring work!
  • Honor yourself with one heartfelt thing you do just to celebrate yourself, without having to be with someone else to enjoy it.

I’d love to hear what y’all do to clear out the creative cowebs and lighten the heart! It’s a great time of year to move some energy!