As the year winds down it’s easy to get caught in top ten lists, savory baked goods and the appearance of the familiar year-end friend - goals. The promise of a fresh new year sweeps people into evaluation mode, nudging you to judge your success and performance or lament opportunities missed. The holiday season is an annual calendar prompt to see if you are moving along in a way that feels good or rough around the edges, healthy or exhausting, or like an endless combination of other … [Read more...]
How to Set 2012 Ablaze with your Awesomeness
Not literally with fireworks, wayward candles or unattended fondue pots, but fan it with the flames of your personal missions and desires. Those sparky little fireworks that ignite when you give them space and room to breathe, taking in oxygen and building flames of creative folly. Instead of spazing over a series of resolutions for 2012 that you will never keep, just create and keep one. Give yourself permission to day dream and think bigger than any self-imposed limitations that have … [Read more...]
Attitude, Creative Mojo and the End of 2011
With just about a month left in 2011, people are all a flurry making holiday plans, buying gifts and finishing up year end projects. It’s the proverbial "time crunch" — busting ass to fit in every possible thing you pledged with your heart and soul to do before year end, but some how fell to the wayside. Creative mojo is replaced with a sense of obligation, and attitudes quickly shift to grouchy, irritated and rushed. Throw in family obligations, year end commitments and the looming thoughts … [Read more...]