How do you define creative options for yourself? As possibilities you hold in your heart? Clear choices out on the table? Hobbies and weekend passions that spark creativity? A list of alternatives that serve as a back-up to well-orchestrated plans? Or is it expressed as an automatic gut-inspired choice? While there's no “one” way to see and act on the creative options in front of you, there's a well-worn way you often go about it - and your … [Read more...]
Dig Under the Creative Surface for Real Treasure
On the creative surface there are truly amazing things to appreciate. Jaw-dropping scenery. Lovely people who inspire you as much as they challenge you. The sensation of the sun on your face, or the first bite of a delicious, ripe tomato from a summer harvest. These simple pleasures invite you to jump in and experience something with the full range of your five senses and really open up to the moment. When it comes to taking the same approach with your inner … [Read more...]
Creativity Kick-Start: Refine the Edges of your Creative Integrity
Creative integrity is a unique blend of what you believe and how you feel when you express that creative truth. It’s both fixed and fluid at the same time, shaped by how you “practice” being yourself. As you build a flowing dynamic between your beliefs and self-expression, you get a clearer sense of what’s natural for you; an inner rhythm that simply allows you to “be” without actively thinking about it. Now let’s toss in life’s biggest plot twist - dun dun … [Read more...]