Balancing the Energy and Emotion of Endings and Beginnings

Being present with and navigating the energy and emotion of endings and beginnings at the same time is a tricky process.  It’s easy to fall into the pattern of creating great plans, intentions, strategies and long lists as we wrap up one year and begin another, and do it all on auto-pilot. In a way it’s a holiday tradition - finding our personal way to say goodbye to the current year and look forward to the promise of the next. But let’s be honest, 2020 has offered up a much more of … [Read more...]

Break Away From Assumptions and Open Up New Creative Opportunities

  I think it’s pretty safe to say everyone makes assumptions time to time that limit our ability to notice creative opportunities.   Our assumptions can be rooted in the things we’ve learned, love, or have been burned by, and have come to shape our vision and values. Family influence and personal relationships fortify those assumptions even further.   As intuitive beings, we also rely on the way we feel as part of our decision making process. Even when our intuition … [Read more...]

Common Creative Roadblocks for Empaths

    Creativity is a natural trait for empaths and HSP’s because we feel and emote so deeply, yet, these same abilities also build up unique creative roadblocks that can be hard to spot and clear.   Between managing our own feelings and navigating the energy of family, friends, relationships and the world at large, an “emotional stew” forms pretty quickly. Soon it’s difficult to clearly sense what we really want to create because our desires are buried deep under so … [Read more...]

Honor the Change in Seasons by Reviewing Commitments, Then Redirect Creative Energy

  It’s easy to commit creative energy to something you believe is worthwhile. It’s not as easy to redirect creative energy between ongoing commitments, self-care and unfinished passion projects.   The middle ground between these two aspects is where you really feel the squeeze of unmet personal expectations around what you love to do, mixed up with the stress of deadlines and drudgery of plugging away. This sometimes challenging, unstable energy can push projects to the … [Read more...]