Branching Out Into New Creative Waters

  Branching out into new creative waters is about more than trying something different or uncharacteristic of your norm. More than starting a new healthy habit or spiritual ritual.   I’m talking about a heart based decision to stand fully in who you are, even when your legs are shaky and your voice cracks. When fear creeps up the back of your neck, but you step forward anyway, willing to face the emotional challenge and find new ground to build an authentic creative foundation … [Read more...]

Common Creative Roadblocks for Empaths

    Creativity is a natural trait for empaths and HSP’s because we feel and emote so deeply, yet, these same abilities also build up unique creative roadblocks that can be hard to spot and clear.   Between managing our own feelings and navigating the energy of family, friends, relationships and the world at large, an “emotional stew” forms pretty quickly. Soon it’s difficult to clearly sense what we really want to create because our desires are buried deep under so … [Read more...]