Explore and Define What Keeps You Rooted in the Present and Within Yourself

  What keeps you rooted in the present and within yourself?   Do you have a clear path of consistent self-care, support tools, habits, creative expression? Are you connected with a community that acts as a support system and aligns your basic human needs and well-being? Do you know beyond a doubt that no matter what, you are loved, and things will be OK? If not, the world is providing a really big opportunity for you to explore all of these dynamics starting right … [Read more...]

Tap Into Your Core Creative Essentials to Thrive in Place

  When was the last time you made the effort to tap into your core creative essentials - the things you as a unique human being need to support your creativity, mindset, physical health, attitude and overall well-being?   Has it been a couple of months? Years? Never?   Maybe reviewing your core creative essentials is “top of mind” right now as you learn to navigate life as an individual, couple, family, creative, or business owner exclusively from home. Or you could feel … [Read more...]

Opening Up to the True Spirit of Creative Self-Care

  The spirit or energy around your creative self-care practice is driven by your desire and willingness to listen to what resonates, then act on it.    I think of creativity as a spiritual energy. It’s an impulse that comes from somewhere deep within me that I don’t have to understand. I do have to give it permission to be expressed. When I’m stressed, tired, not taking care of myself or have no room for play or visioning, it’s hard to connect with the spirit of … [Read more...]

Acknowledge and Honor Emotions to Take Creative Self-Care to a New Level

  Every road leads through emotions and triggers, especially when it comes to creativity.   As an emotionally-fueled experience, creativity guides you towards what you feel, fear or want to understand more clearly about yourself and the world around you. And when it comes to truly practicing creative self-care, emotions are the guiding force.   In a way, you are always dancing between what you acknowledge you feel, are afraid to feel or don’t understand how to feel. … [Read more...]

Listening to the Wisdom of the Body to Guide Creative Self-Care

  Listening to the wisdom of the body becomes essential when you feel overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted.   Yet, it’s in these situations people force things the most, attempting to meet an unrealistic goal, honor a commitment or live up to an unreasonable expectation.   In a culture where being strong all the time and pushing through is expected, listening to the wisdom of the body can seem a bit “airy fairy” or impractical. Add in deadlines and societal … [Read more...]