If you identify as a creative or entrepreneur, you are secretly, or not so secretly, looking to tap into next level creativity. Especially when things feel stale and too predictable. You can take things into your own hands and actively cause a little chaos to shake things up. And while blowing up your own life can be an interesting distraction and adrenaline rush, it’s not always a way to next level creative expression (but sometimes necessary). So for the … [Read more...]
Allow Creative Mystery To Enchant You
When was the last time you felt enchanted or drawn by a sense of creative mystery, free of boundaries or rules? No plan, no specific path, just open opportunity led by curiosity? Can you recall when you last tuned into the creative mystery within yourself; to a connection that is felt and envisioned rather than drawn out on paper into a clear outline and process? Or, do you focus on the “practical” side of creating without inviting in the mystery of what’s … [Read more...]