Creativity Kick-Start: 5 Ways to be in the Flow During a Creative Transition

creative, creativity, change, transition


A creative transition can feel really tricky to navigate. You are straddling two worlds that don’t feel solid or clear and looking for ways to expand the core of who you are without totally losing yourself – all at the same time. The instruction manual is being written as you walk through the experience, and takes a lot of faith in yourself to keep moving forward through the foggy bits.


The ease of a creative transition does not reflect whether or not it’s worth pursuing, but it can intimidate you from stepping into it fully. In order to work through a challenging time of change, limit distractions and pick up on the internal cues you need to open up to your true creative self requires go-to tools to keep you clear and mindful as you work through it.


That’s why the Creativity Kick-Start theme for this week is focused on simple, core tools for navigating creative transition in your own way and time. 


Call on the Essentials to Bridge the Gap Between New and Old You


creative transition, old and new you, typewriter


During transition there are two things to remember – there are no rules other than being as loving towards yourself as possible and finding simple ways to stay grounded in the present. Change isn’t linear (until you connect the dots in hindsight), so here are some basic tools to help keep you mindful and in the now.


Listening: Block out the noise of others and find a way to listen to yourself. If you aren’t sure what your inner voice sounds like and how to connect with it, then it’s time to get started on a way to tune in. Meditation, time in nature, physical activity journaling or simply feeling into the sensations in your body can help (if you don’t already do these things), but the most important step is space. Give yourself the time and space to do nothing but listen as your sole focus. When you step out of your routine and just take time to be, you leave room to truly hear the inner voice that’s always with you. So what if it’s not strong or clear at first. Just keep listening. It’s the only way you will get to know the sound of your own inner voice and the best way to connect with it.


Be patient with yourself: Practicing patience is easier to do with other people than with yourself. Unless you pay close attention and know what to look for, it’s hard to tell if self-talk in the background of your mind is trashing your progress. If you are a current or recovering Type A personality or struggle with self-care or self-worth, you absolutely know what I’m talking about here. To keep it simple, just remember there’s no timeline. You are always in a state of transition in one way or another, and it takes the time it takes. Being tough on yourself about the timing and how it’s happening doesn’t make it easier and takes you out of the flow.


creative, creativity, inner questions, creative transition


Ask yourself the hard questions, and be willing to answer them honestly. Sounds fun, right? It is fun if you focus on the purpose of the exploratory exercise. Asking the hard questions is what leads you to the breakthrough you need to keep energy moving and flowing during a creative transition. If you are trying to dig deep and hit a wall, then you are simply getting information about areas of growth that are still opening up. You will need a little extra time and contemplation before taking a specific action – and that is very powerful information to know.


Understand the difference between a clear choice and a panic choice. Whatever choice you make is never wrong, it’s just a choice. Yet, people so often live in fear about making the wrong one and begin to feel overwhelmed, so they throw up their hands and make one in a panic instead of from the heart. When you are in tune with yourself, there is a clear choice. It doesn’t mean you aren’t feeling emotional or afraid, but you know it will lead you to the next important step. The biggest part of creative transition is knowing what a clear choice feels like as the person you are right now, not at any other point in time.


Give yourself permission to experience creative transition. You can experience creative transition and joy at the same time, if you allow yourself to flow with it naturally. When you say things to yourself like, “the timing is bad”, “I’m not ready for this” or “what will my friends or family say” you are limiting your own growth and how you can step into experiencing it. To truly connect with your creative self you need to be an active participant and bravely allow yourself to follow the desire that tugs at your heart and soul and own it. Start with small steps or leap right in, but permission to try is what opens the door for you to flow with change in a more joyful way rather than fight it.


Being aware of your own inner growth is a true gift because what you learn about yourself helps you evolve and serves as a way to connect with others as they grow and evolve, too. Change isn’t always easy, but it can be easier on you – if you can come back to simple tools that keep your focus clear during creative transition.


For a little more detailed support, check out my MiniGuide for Connecting with your Inner Guidance and Creative Fire. You can also check out a few of my previous posts to see if they do the trick, including Walking Through Creative Growing Pains and Release Romanticized Versions of your Creative Self.

Photo credit: Arjan Almekinders, Paul Oka, Ethan Lofton