Courage to Create Anew

create anew, creativity, creative katrina, deep questions, challenge yourself


There are times when no matter how much we try to piece things together as they are and “make it work”, the time has come to create anew. To ask deeper questions. To actively honor intuitive hits and the way we really feel deep in our heart, while coming to peace with what no longer resonates and let go. Sometimes all at once. 


These elements are no small things for the heart and soul to consider. Attention to honoring them fully requires radical honesty with ourselves and others in our lives. The willingness to take brave steps towards a transition into something different, without knowing what the outcome will be first. A level of courage coupled with trust in knowing we can handle whatever unfolds, with faith we will be OK. 


These challenges and/or feelings are aspects of change knocking on our door waiting to be invited in (just not in a scary vampire way). But we are scared just the same. Why? There’s no map created to move through the fear other than to practice being present with how it feels. A lot. 


Each experience is different, even for the same person, and each layer we peel back is designed to take us deeper into living as our most authentic courageous selves. And whether we admit it or not, the promise of change is exhilarating on a heart and soul level. It can, however, get mixed up with old fears and triggers while challenging the patterns we use as safety nets. In reality,  what we label as “safe” can actually behave like weights chained to our feet that keep us from a new creative path just ahead. 


It’s this energy mismatch flowing between the lines of our mind and heart that keeps us suspended like a butterfly in a cocoon on a tree branch over a raging river. At any moment we feel like we can bust out and fly towards freedom and joy, or the cocoon can become dislodged and swept away to parts unknown without warning. 


Yet, this is the space where we dig into our true self expression; exploring the line we walk between releasing, learning, and healing to create anew. 


Taking time to look deep within, then sit with how we feel, is a courageous act, and we often have to talk ourselves into it. We also intuitively know dedicating time and specific feelings to whatever is bubbling up may require leaving the comfy space we’ve carved out, or abandon dreams that never came together. Not exactly an enticing invitation on a mental level, but our heart craves going deeper in this way. 


To get inspired and dig in, remember initiating an inner questioning process can result in a variety of outcomes, including something bigger, better, and more creatively fulfilling  – just on the other side of the fear. Discomfort doesn’t last forever, and without it, we don’t notice how and where we are willing to grow. It’s the mind that gets hung up on the how, or fears feeling all the feelings without a guaranteed safe way to float through them.


Trust me, we can and we will, especially if we remember to love ourselves through it. Just breathe, be, feel, and let go of thinking yourself through it. Some tips…


Take time sit with how it would feel to create anew by using a few points of reference as a guide.


  • What words pop into your head often? Write them down and play with what they mean, feel like, or how they connect to other words and ideas. Include any emotional words connected with your feelings. 
  • Identify what things, situations, and people feel like a mismatch, then let the energy bubble up to the surface to process it without placing judgment or forcing a solution. Is it something you want to keep, let go, or recreate in a fresh way?  
  • Review dreams or ideas you keep rotating on your to-do list, even after years of inaction. Do they still inspire you? Is there a way to expand or re-envision them, perhaps even collaborate with someone to make them a reality? 


I invite you to have the courage to create anew not just for yourself, but for everyone who shares this world with you. We are all waiting to see your most radical, honest, beautiful creative self when you are ready to unfold. 


If you would like to read other posts on a similar topic, check out The Power in Taking Little Steps Forward and  Are you Present in Your Creative Process, or Creating in Default Mode?  Interested in creative coaching support or an intuitive reading? Sign up for a session with me. Looking for quick insights on intuition and creativity via podcast? Listen to mine, Flirting With Enlightenment