Branching Out Into New Creative Waters

branching out into new creative waters, creativity, creative katrina, blog, mindbodyspirit, heron, water, transformation, patience


Branching out into new creative waters is about more than trying something different or uncharacteristic of your norm. More than starting a new healthy habit or spiritual ritual.


I’m talking about a heart based decision to stand fully in who you are, even when your legs are shaky and your voice cracks. When fear creeps up the back of your neck, but you step forward anyway, willing to face the emotional challenge and find new ground to build an authentic creative foundation that’s flexible yet firm.


Described more concretely, branching out into new creative waters is about your ability to stay grounded in who you are as you release the old and then create in new ways. To confidently see yourself while understanding you are always growing into a deeper version of you. Moving through hurts and healing them; creating new boundaries, and making choices that honor your true spirit in it’s fullest form.


All of these things are key to the branching out process, even if you only start by dipping a toe into a new class or health habit. When you dig deeper, you get to the juicy part of creativity; seeing what you are made of and finding passions that help you expand your heart and view of yourself, while experiencing clarity and building consistent, simple grounding practices and healthy mindfulness habits.


In fact, branching out into new creative waters for yourself with confidence is something symbolically represented by the Blue Heron, a marsh-based bird.


And it just so happens I saw one today.


Heron Magic and Grounding


On my afternoon walk, a Blue Heron flew right over my head. I live near a marsh – their favorite habitat – so it’s not necessarily surprising. What was surprising is that I was walking through a nearby neighborhood with tons of construction and noise. They are breaking up old concrete and creating a new drainage entryway along the sidewalks. As I paused on the curb of the corner, I smiled at the light rain that had started falling while the sun shone brightly over the back of my shoulder. I love spring showers!


During my “pause” is when the Blue Heron cruised over my head very close to street level casting a huge shadow on the street. I looked up as he soared to land in the marsh near my home a few blocks away. It was like the bird was saying yes, do more of this – it’s how you reconnect with your creative power and grounding.


To me, this quick encounter was a great treat, but also a very personalized reminder to embrace more of the heron’s qualities in my daily life.


According to the Animal Speak book, Herons represent:


  • Clarity and calm
  • Seizing opportunities
  • Staying grounded while exploring other dimensions
  • Self determination and self reliance
  • Being present
  • Patience
  • Resourcefulness


…and most importantly, good luck.


This sighting was also a way for me to check back in with myself about how I’m currently working with these characteristics in my business, relationships, and as part of my own personal growth.


The Lesson in this Creative Water Symbol


For as long as I can remember, I’ve been an “information processor”, communicator and writer. I read a room on an intellectual and energetic level, and ask people questions to help them see themselves and their options in a broader, yet clearer, way. I’m also passionate about using all these insights to share creative insights and ideas on the spot, sort of like a natural brainstorm generator.


These skills have many applications, but more often than not, people enjoy my writing and choose to hire me for that purpose. However, I’ve been craving to support people with teaching, coaching, and intuitive guidance – all skills I already use to create content and write at a professional level in the first place.


I’ve been a bit frustrated that this part of my passion and skill set has been taking a while to expand and attract paying clients. I’ve also been relying on my mind a lot to forcefully “figure it out”, instead of trusting, practicing patience, and grounding as much as I could to allow the right insight and support to show up.


And yes, I’m human. There are times when it’s easy for me to dispense useful advice, while on a grander scale it’s harder to personally follow – especially when it comes to something I deeply want. The mirror towards the self is always a little biased, of course.


It’s also why this Heron “drive-by” was such a beautiful surprise. It reinforced a more direct connection to my true passion – to help people see themselves and gifts, mirror them back, and co-create a process that enables them grow into the fullest, most expansive version of themselves. My tools? I interpret information from the practical world and the energetic realm, offering unique, personalized strategies to help each client craft a mindset, tools, and practices that help them soar.


I act as your grounding chord, so you can explore, expand, and heal – as well as ignite new passions and pathways to create the life and self expression you want to share, while you can feel supported through fear, frustration, challenges, and wins.


According to What is Your Sign,  an animal symbolism site, Heron represents becoming more self-reliant; something I’m excited to help clients do as they grow in creative confidence while learning to trust their inner wisdom in deeper ways.


The site also says, “The most outstanding feature about the Heron, is its environmental presence. The heron is at home in three elements: Water, Earth and Air. This speaks to me of diversity. Those with the heron as a guide or totem can relate to this. These people are either very skilled in a myriad of different elements, or they are branching out in various skills, and the heron is offering confidence in the process.”


Branching out into new creative waters doesn’t have to be scary. It can be a beautiful process that’s rooted in mind, body, and spirit, clear, measured, and supported, offering the real world grounding needed to build the skill sets you want, and need, to be the real you in all you do successfully.


Supporting people as they branch out into new creative waters is something I love to do for myself and others. Now, if you feel inspired by my experience, let’s see how we can get this discovery process started for you! Click on the blue tab at the bottom of the page to see my breadth of services, or to sign up for an initial discovery session. 


Interested in reading other posts on a similar topic? Read Passion Gut Check: What Still Resonates? Or Tuning into the Energy of your Creative Path Each Day. Like podcasts and want tips and insights on how to tap into your own inner wisdom? Check out my podcast, Flirting With Enlightenment.