For this week’s creativity kick-start tip I wanted to talk about the location of “your space”. Where you decide to decompress or tune in to your inner creative guidance is just as important as what you do once you settle in for this special personal time. So where is yours?
I have a few go-to spots, some indoors and some outside. I like to switch them up depending on the time of day and where I’m at in my mental space. If I’m too cued up and in my head, I go for a walk or sit out in the grass and watch the world go by. Usually a good 15 minutes will do the trick, but I also stay a bit longer if I have flexible deadlines.
If I’ve just started my day and I’m feeling a little fuzzy and unfocused, I sit in the meditation area I’ve created in one of the corners of my home office. It’s nothing fancy, but it feels peaceful and relaxing and offers a lovely space for me to switch gears and focus on my inner voice.
I’ve set up a small, old bamboo table with a nice green “OM” cloth to hold a consistent, peaceful vibe. To anchor in some good juju, there are a few things that speak to my heart; crystals, rocks, sage, shells and other items I’ve picked up on my nature walks. I also use meditation music to set a relaxing tone and tune out distractions. Music can also be helpful if you are unable shut a door for privacy. Remember, the cleaner and less cluttered the space, the better. Clutter can clog up energy and easily create a distraction.
On the floor in front of the table I have a blanket and pillow to keep me comfy and to let my body know it’s time to get out of my head by physically changing my location.
No space of your own.? Some of my best a-ha’s and insights have shown up while I was outside on a walk or just sitting on my back porch under my favorite pine tree. I sit and watch the birds fly in and out, and there are a pair of doves that often snuggle there. When I want to get a bit farther away, I head to a near-by park and hit one of favorite my spots within it, depending on how far I want to walk.
If you have a full-time job, find a go-to space outdoors near the office. Look for a spot where your body feels relaxed, happy, comfy and undistracted. It can also help to keep a meditation cushion, pillow or blanket in the car or in your bag, ready to go. Create a schedule to visit your spot as often as you can, especially during lunch breaks to recenter your creative self during the day.
The most valuable part of picking “your spot” is that it helps shift your mindset and get you more familiar with relaxation mode by adding it more frequently throughout your day. It’s a bit like potty training a pet. Once the animal gets in the habit, the body knows what to do next. Yours will start to get into the habit of relaxing, too.
Doing this exercise of creating a space will help you get a sense of what type of spot you need to feel more relaxed, energized or balanced throughout the day — whatever it is you need to let your creativity flow.
Want some insight on creating or choosing a space: Check out some of these links:
Fab Report
Already have a great space that you love? I’d love to hear how it helps with your creative flow.